Origins of the Earth: Myths from Five Ancient Cultures

A Journey Through the Creation Stories of Sumer, Greece, Egypt, China, and Native America

Cody Trusler
Exploring History
Published in
8 min readJun 19, 2024


Early humans gazed at nature in a way that modern humans have long forgotten. They saw the world around them and pondered how it came into being. Seeking to understand their surroundings, they crafted a rich tapestry of stories that reflected their civilizations. These creation myths not only offered explanations for the mysteries of the natural world but also conveyed the values and beliefs of the people who told them.

By delving into these ancient legends, we can uncover their profound impact on the development of human societies and gain a deeper appreciation for the captivating narratives that shaped their understanding of the world. This article will explore various mythical beginnings, shedding light on how these stories have influenced cultural identities across different civilizations.

The Sumerian Creation Myth

The Sumerians are one of the oldest known civilizations and have the oldest form of writing in the world. Their influence in the region of Mesopotamia was profound, with their beliefs reverberating through the cultures surrounding their civilization and those who inherited their stories and ideas.

