An artist rendition of a map of the internet. (Matt Britt / CC BY 2.5)

Who Actually Invented The Internet? And Who Didn’t.

A question many have wondered but few can actually answer

Grant Piper
Published in
5 min readMar 16, 2021


The 19th and 20th centuries saw the creation of many new and life changing things that we still use today. The car, ubiquitous use of electricity, the light bulb, the airplane and more all emerged in a relatively short period of time following the Industrial Revolution. Most of those inventions have mythical inventors that people can readily name off the top of their heads. People like Edison and Tesla, Henry Ford, and the Wright Brothers easily come to mind.

The same cannot be said of the internet.

The internet is one of the most world-shaking inventions ever created by human hands and yet asking someone who invented the internet is likely to draw blank stares. Who was the pioneer who created the network we are all using today?

There are more wrong answers to that questions than right answers.

The military

Satellite image of the Pentagon (Public domain)

One common answer is that the military invented the internet. It is an amorphous organization with no true face that was responsible for many other…



Grant Piper
Exploring History

Professional writer. Amateur historian. Husband, father, Christian.