The Rosa Parks Museum

Brandon Barker
Exploring Montgomery
3 min readApr 19, 2018

Remember a pivotal moment in Civil Rights History

The museum is only museum dedicated to Rosa Parks and taking you back to her life-changing moment when she decided not to give up her seat.

This building was constructed in 1998 and finished around late 2000. Rosa Parks was actually able to attend the ground breaking and the official opening.

This is the only Rosa Parks museum dedicated to her and her life so there is pride taken in trying to sustain her legacy. Every year is different, and there are people from all over visiting. It is one of Alabama’s premier tourist spots since it is located in downtown Montgomery. The renovations have made it even more appealing.

Front of Rosa Parks Museum in Downtown Montgomery (Brandon Barker)


The new Rosa Parks Museum director, Dr. Felicia A. Bell, has only been here for two years but remembers when it first opened, “It was the Vacant Empire theater that was in disrepair. Which then was turned into a parking lot. All that was their was a historical marker stating what was significant about this area.Their have been major renovations around the area especially lately.”

Sculpture of Rosa Parks by Artis Lane taken inside museum (Brandon Barker)

The building is not that old and it gives it a modern feel yet captures that historical feeling.Dr. Bell stated, “It was constructed by Eisterhold and Associates along with Troy University because they own the building.” Troy University in downtown Montgomery owns the building because they bought the land a while back. They were going to turn that area into more of the campus but realized the importance of that area and what it meant to the state. Troy makes most decisions that concern the museum and plan on keeping it open for many more years.


Long time tour guide David Hall explains a little about how the location effects tourist, “There are usually a lot of tourist to come during the summer time because that is when they go on family vacation. This is one of the main tourist sites for a look back at the civil rights movement.”

“This museum is now part of black history. To have it on the same spot where she was arrested is unbelievable. It is amazing how Troy kept this building for the public to view because its means a lot to us and black culture. Its not so much about the building since its only about 18 years old it more about the area and the history behind that”, said Hall. Before the building was built the historical marker in the ground told you the significance of that area and what happened. That marker is still there today.

The museum is across the street from the Davis Theatre
Montgomery Advertiser newspaper from 1956 picture taken inside museum (Brandon Barker)

Dr. Bell also told about whats going on with the recent events the Rosa Parks Museum will be having. “We have events for Juneteenth coming up in June on the 23rd. And its going to be a block party celebrating African American Freedom. And we have a bunch of Free admission days like December 1st is always free admission. And February 4, Rosa Parks birthday is free admission as well.” These are only a few events that the museum will be having this year if you want any more information visit the museum’s website.

Governors award given to Rosa Parks inside museum (Brandon Barker)
Wax figures inside Bus Replica taken inside museum (Brandon Barker)

