How to Stop the Vicious Cycle of Overthinking

Some simple tips to stop overthinking

Jaxson Wilson
Exploring Psychology and Neuroscience


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

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Do you often think of the worst outcome for every situation?

Do you find yourself constantly replaying conversations you have?

Or maybe you second-guess every decision you make?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you might be a chronic overthinker.

Overthinking is a common thing that many of us do every once in a while, but some of us are cursed with the constant stream of second-guessing toxic thoughts all day.

In this article, I’m going to share some tips that helped me stop overthinking.

Make Time to Reflect

While dwelling on our problems and challenges for long periods of time isn’t healthy at all; we still have to face our problems and challenges head on.

The only way to grow is to look back on our mistakes and think about how we could’ve done things differently.

If you’re an overthinker then you probably look back on things that weren’t even mistakes, and criticize yourself.

