End-to-End App for mobile phones

An effort to minimise the gap between public transport systems and people

Jahnavi Vegad
Exploring Ride-Sharing Systems At Scale
5 min readSep 10, 2018


Evolution of public ride-sharing systems in India

India has come a long way with its transport system evolving over time according to needs and situations of its people. The Indian transport system scenario is changing fast with technology acting as a catalyst in the whole process. But in a populated country like India, it is surprising that the usage of public transport is relatively low for the population. This is due

But in a populated country like India, it is surprising that the usage of public transport is relatively low for the population.

to several reasons, primarily being the difficulty in using public transit. Where, secondary reasons are due to safety, availability, status and accessibility.

Limitations of Existing technological solutions for public transport

While working on public-transport problems, we explored the various existing platforms that provide useful information in terms of public transport in Bangalore.

Google maps local-transport directions

Google maps is one of the popular apps for getting bus-related information. But it’s only limited to bus route information and that too, if one misses the particular bus she/he has to re-search for the whole route. And not to mention, Maps suggests that you walk to and from a bus-stop while not in the bus. This distance could sometimes be of 3 kms, which doesn’t look much on Maps but might be tiring to actually walk out.

Bangalore local bus information app

Bangalore has a couple of BMTC apps for any kind of bus-related information. These apps show a list of all the route numbers that runs between one point to another. Although, the timings of these buses are not provided. To track specific bus’ location, the users provide information. Now, not all the users all the time keep posting this information. So one might or might not get this information when needed.

Also most of our interviewees when asked about these apps pointed out that the apps come in handy while making a plan but when it comes to actually commuting, they must ask or validate this information through the local crowd at bus-stops or conductors.

“Also most of people said they usually end up booking a cab.”

Also most of people said they usually end up booking a cab because of bus not being on time, or because of being uncertain of weather they’ll get an auto after getting dropped at a bus-stop or not. After brainstorming, we spotted a need for providing an end-to-end trip plan for people who’re comfortable using technology and are willing to use public transport but they don’t because of above-mentioned reasons.

End-to-End mobile app — Our Attempt to solve this problem

As a course requirement for Srishti Institute of Design, we - a team of 5 people came up with a design that addresses such existing issues when it comes to public transport.

What End-to-End does?

This app lets a user book an end-to-end trip from A to B, the whole trip via only public transport. This includes booking an auto from home to nearest bus-stop, then booking a bus ticket for specific bus according to final destination, tracking that bus, getting another bus ticket if one misses that bus or the bus is late and then again booking an auto to final destination. For starting out, this app is designed only for buses and auto-rickshaws but it can be integrated to metros and local trains later on.

Sample Scenario

After entering pick up and drop locations, user gets options in terms of what transport services she/he wants to use throughout the journey.

Available options for booking public transport trips

It can either be an auto, a bus or both combined. The total estimated fair and time is stated in every option.

After user makes her/his choice(in this scenario he/she chooses auto and bus combined option), the next step is popped up on the screen directing/informing the user about what to do next.

1. Pick up Auto arriving | 2. A pop up for tracing incomplete journey | 3. When user reaches the bus-stop, bus ticket and bus information is provided

In this case, an auto is on its way to pick up user for commuting him to the nearest bus stop. After boarding the auto, user can view how much of total journey is covered so far.

Just before reaching the bus-stop user receives an e-ticket for the bus.

Also, just before reaching the bus-stop user receives an e-ticket for the bus he/she has to board. As we’re using GPS for tracking buses, the user knows how exactly far is the bus.

User can scan this e-ticket on the bus door and thus can move ahead with the trip.

What if user misses this bus though? The app will get another bus detail and send an e-ticket for the next bus. This can go upto 3-missed buses.

Also, user can cancel the trip at any point of trip and pay only for the journey he’s done so far.

Summing up

This proposed idea for us is a tiny design-effort for stressing the value of public transport in this era of pollution and high-priced cabs. Even though this is an independent mobile app, one can always think of ways to pick up features from this app and integrate them onto the existing apps like Maps. Also, we’ve not yet addressed the problem of possible potential crowd if everyone starts using this app, but one step at a time!


