Announcing the First “Exploring Sobriety” Collection
Hi everyone,
It’s been over a year since I last used Medium’s “newsletter” feature, but I’ve got some exciting news to share: I’ve just released a collection of 50 essays from the early days of my blog.
It’s available right now on Amazon. If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you can even read it for free.
People have been recommending to me for years to collect some of my posts into an ebook, and I’ve finally done it. These essays previously appeared on Medium, but they’ve all been reedited for fewer typos and cleaner formatting. I’m proud of this collection and hope that you’ll enjoy it.
I focused on my very oldest essays, so unless you’ve been reading my blog from the start, you’re likely to find quite a bit that you haven’t seen before. Despite these essays dating back a few years, I truly believe that the content holds up and will be helpful for anyone who has gotten sober or is thinking about quitting drinking.
It could also make the perfect passive-aggressive gift if you know someone that drinks too much. (Just kidding.) (Kind of.)
I hope you’ll check the book out, and if you enjoy it, please leave a positive review. Nothing helps an Amazon book reach more readers than a bit of positive feedback.
Here’s the link one last time:
Exploring Sobriety: 50 Essays About Alcohol, Addiction, and Recovery
Thank you very much, and happy holidays!