Did I Break My Sobriety With Kombucha?

Drawing the line around my sobriety.

Benya Clark
Exploring Sobriety


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

An Innocuous Sip

Last weekend, I tried a sip of Kombucha.

I had heard of Kombucha and seen it in the juice aisle of the grocery store, but I wasn’t sure what it actually was. The drink surprised me with a delicious fruity taste and an unexpected fizz.

I had another sip, enjoying it even more than the first.

It was only after this second sip that I finally bothered to look at the bottle. What I saw made my stomach drop.

It turned out that Kombucha was a fermented tea, and since it was fermented, it contained naturally occurring alcohol.

I’ve been sober for the past four and a half years. When I read that bottle, my first thought was that I had just thrown it all away.

Fortunately, I recovered from this feeling quickly. Had I broken my sobriety by taking a sip of a drink that I didn’t even know contained alcohol? Of course not. This wasn’t the beginning of a relapse, it was just an inadvertent mistake.

Later that day, I researched Kombucha online and was even further reassured. It turns out that most Kombucha, including the one that I had tried, has less than 0.5% alcohol content. At such a low level of…



Benya Clark
Exploring Sobriety

I’m a lawyer turned writer from North Carolina. I write about sobriety, mental health, and more. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter at exploringsobriety.com.