My Top Tips for Writing About Sobriety

A few pieces of advice from someone who has blogged about sobriety for nearly four years.

Benya Clark
Exploring Sobriety


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

I didn’t start writing about my sobriety until nearly two years after I quit drinking.

Frankly, I was terrified to share my thoughts about recovery with the world. I feared backlash from drinkers who might resent my sobriety as well as fellow recovered addicts who might think I’m somehow doing recovery “wrong.”

I also had a case of impostor syndrome. I asked myself: Who am I to write about sobriety? I’m not a doctor, psychologist, or addiction specialist. I never studied any of this stuff in college. I’m just some guy who quit drinking.

It turned out, though, that this was enough. Despite my lack of professional expertise, I had plenty to say simply by honestly and thoughtfully reflecting on my personal experiences with alcoholism and recovery.

My Advice

If you’ve been thinking about creating a blog or newsletter on sobriety, but are feeling reluctant like I once did, here’s my advice: Give it a try anyway.

You don’t have to be a professional expert to have something worth saying. Nobody is expecting you to be filled with brilliant insights or to have a magic cure for…



Benya Clark
Exploring Sobriety

I’m a lawyer turned writer from North Carolina. I write about sobriety, mental health, and more. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter at