The Spiritual Meaning of Names

Spiritual language gives enormous spiritual power to names

Carl Godlove
Exploring Swedenborg
5 min readFeb 19, 2019


Thanks, Ged Lawson, for the awesome, fitting photo!

This topic is of particular interest to me because I don’t have a name. Well, I do have a name. Actually, I have several names. It’s confusing. My name got off to a weird start and it’s gotten even weirder. Allow me a moment to vent.

I was born John Carlton Godlove, II. A third child, and first son. My seven-year-old sister called me “Brother” from birth because, well, I was her brother! It made sense to her, and was pretty descriptive, so it stuck. My entire family and old neighborhood friends called me Brother. They still do.

When I entered school, this apparently wouldn’t do. My father went by Carlton, so Carlton it was. My elementary school principal was one of my dad’s old friends, so I suppose using his name seemed aligned with her understanding of who I was. Kindergarten through college, I was Brother at home and Carlton at school.

As I prepared to enter the work world in 1979, “Carlton” felt too formal in my job interviews. It also didn’t help that Rhoda’s sitcom made famous the always inebriated, “Carlton, your doorman.” So I shortened my name to “Carl” to convey a more casual and sober guy. I never looked back. Well, mostly never. And mostly sober.

My wife doesn’t know what to call me to this day. When we dated in college, she constantly heard “Brother” when we’d visit my family. But it’s impossible (or maybe just too kinky) to call your boyfriend “Brother.” And “Carlton” just wasn’t in those cards. So she just cooed. That worked. Now I’m also “Dad.” Yes, I’m a father. And “Papa.” You guessed it. A grandfather too. So it’s gotten worse.

Thanks for letting me dump on you. I feel better now. My identity has been chasing a name my whole life. But here’s the good news. I’ll be getting a new name! Eventually. When I die, actually. And I’m looking forward to it. The new name, that is. Not dying. Although I’m not worried about that. It’s just that I have more to do first. Or at least I think I do.

So how do I know I’m getting a new name? And a good one?
Good ole Swedenborg.

“The nature of names in the spiritual world makes it clear that someone’s name does not mean her or his name alone, but also her or his full nature.”

True Christianity §300

He goes further:

“When anyone is named, or a name is mentioned, an idea of the person’s character springs to mind — a picture of everything that belongs to, exists with, or resides in the person.”

Secrets of Heaven §2009

That’s a lot packed into a name! How is that even possible?
Swedenborg explains further.

“This naming is effected by spiritual language, which is such that it can give a name to everything, because there each letter signifies one thing, and the letters combined into one word, forming a person’s name, include the entire state of what is named. This is one of the wonderful things of the spiritual world.”

Divine Providence §230

Sounds amazing. And impossible. But wait. Maybe this isn’t so far-fetched. We have corresponding technologies today. QR codes are a great example. Like the one below. Believe it or not, this image contains my entire poem from my post, “No Turning Back.” Don’t take my word for it. Scan it with your phone and click on the link below it. I did. It’s all there!

No Turning Back

“In [the spiritual] world, people stop using all the names they were given in baptism in this world and the names they received from their parents or their family. All there are named for what they are like. Angels get a name that indicates the moral and spiritual life they have.”

True Christianlty §300

Cool! I get a new name. One that perfectly describes me in full detail! And so does everyone else. What an elegant way to facilitate instant, honest introductions.

But it goes far beyond introductions.

“All spirits share a common language that flows from their thinking and is made up of concepts that are heard as words in the spiritual world.”

Other Planets §95

Quick aside — did your notice the referenced source? — “Other Planets”
Oh yeah. Swedenborg is cool!

“People in the spiritual world do not have names the way we do in this physical world. Rather, each individual is named for her or his own love and wisdom. As soon as we enter a community or gathering of people, we are immediately given a name that expresses our nature.”

Divine Providence §230

Of course, this also means there’s no way to hide your true self from others in the afterlife. If your name exposes who you truly are, what “belongs to, exists with, or resides in” you, then your true inner self is laid bare the moment you’re introduced. That could be very interesting. Add to this that “all spirits share a common language that flows from their thinking,” and this may begin to explain Swedenborg’s reporting that communities are built around true, compatible essence. We find ourselves very much at home with people who care about and love what we truly care about and love. There is no deception in these communities, and that extends to our speech. But that’s a topic for another time. This is probably enough to ponder for now.

If this exploration into Swedenborg’s world has piqued your curiosity, check out the OffTheLeftEye website and YouTube channel. They do an amazing job of bringing Swedenborg to life!

If you’d like to dive deeper, here are two, related OffTheLeftEye YouTube Channel videos. The first is an 8-minute extraction from the second, full episode.

If you’ve made it this far, you might as well join the 300,000+ viewers who have taken the deep dive into the full episode!



Carl Godlove
Exploring Swedenborg

I try to leave people a little better than I found them, and inspire others to do the same.