Gasconade County, Missouri Newspapers

1. Advertiser-Courier

The Advertiser-Courier was a newspaper that was printed between the years 1875–1922 in Hermann, Missouri.

2. Hermanner Volksblatt

Like the Advertiser-Courier newspaper, the Hermanner Volksblatt newspaper was published in Hermann, Missouri between the years 1875 to 1928. Unlike the Advertiser-Courier, which was published in English, the Hermanner Volksblatt was published in German.

3. Owensville Republican

The Owensville Republican was published in Owensville, Missouri. The Owensville Republican had a short newspaper print run lasting only two years (1896–1897) before going out of print. On May 13, 1897, the editors of the Owensville Republican were F.H. and E.G. Isenberg.

4. The Owensville Argus

Like the Owensville Republican, the Owensville Argus was only in print for two years between the years 1903–1904. As the name of the newspaper implies, the Owensville Argus was published in Owensville, Missouri.

5. The Bland Courier

The Bland Courier was a newspaper that was published in Bland, Missouri from the years of 1921 to 1966. The newspaper that was printed on September 9, 1921, displays a variety of political orientations. One article describes how Governor Arthur M. Hyde of Missouri reduced the sentencing of four prisoners in the state penitentiary. While another article says that Assistant Attorney General Merrill E. Otis called for the state’s citizens to elect delegates. Other parts of this newspaper print were advertisements for agriculture fertilizers, automobile accessories, a sibling-run woodworking and blacksmith company, and Prince Albert tobacco. One of the articles in the newspaper mentions that two brothers who had perished in the First World War were buried together in the same grave in Monroe City when the bodies arrived back home from overseas. Another article in the newspaper mentions that in the year 1921, up until September 1, the state of Missouri produced over 5 million pounds of honey in that year alone.

6. Licht-Freund

The Licht-Freund newspaper is the earliest published newspaper in Gasconade County according to the State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSMO). It was in publication from the years 1843–1845 in Hermann, Missouri. Like the Hermanner Volksblatt newspaper, the Licht-Freund was published entirely in German.

7. Hermanner Wochenblatt

Like the Licht-Freund and the Hermanner Volksblatt, the Hermanner Wochenblatt was published in German, but also included some articles published in English. The Hermanner Wochenblatt was published between 1845–1855 in Hermann, Missouri. In the sample newspaper that is accessible through the State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSMO), the front page was dated January 13, 1855. On the front page, roughly half the page is printed in English, while the greater part of the front page is printed in German. The articles that are available to read in English consist of the estates of the deceased, a court case regarding a petition to foreclose a mortgage, and a couple of Final Settlements involving the estates of the deceased. With the estate of George Riefenstahl, Riefenstahl hoped that even though he was deceased the profits of the estate would be able to pay off the debts of the estate. One of the things that we can infer about the cultural background of the Hermanner Wochenblat is that they wanted to publish the newspaper for a variety of cultures. Some of the articles could only be read by those who could read German, while others could be read by those who could read English. Most likely, some readers could read both English and German.

8. Hermanner Volksblatt und Gasconade Zeitung

The Hermanner Volksblatt und Gasconade Zeitung was a newspaper that was published in Hermann, Missouri between 1872–1873.

