Newspaper Identification in Franklin County, MO — Jesse Haynie

List of newspapers pertaining to Franklin County, MO

Format: Title (Start Year — End Year), City

  1. Gerald Journal (1915–1964), Gerald, MO
  2. Ozark News (1940–1952), St. Clair, MO
  3. Pacific Transcript (1923–1933), Pacific, MO
  4. Republican Headlight (1904–1919), Union, MO
  5. Sullivan Sentinel (1901–1914), Franklin, MO
  6. Tri-County News (1966), Sullivan, MO
  7. Washington Citizen (1924–1973), Washington, MO
  8. Washington Missourian (1939–1964), Washington, MO

Gerald Journal Profile:
The Gerald Journal covers all things from politics, events, stories, and more. One section in particular I looked into was the criminal report section. There were arrests made for marrying too soon after being divorced as well as an 18 year old getting arrested for the theft of $25,000 from his employer. Some categories The Gerald Journal covers: financial, court proceedings, accidents, labor, criminal, necrological, general, and miscellaneous. This newspaper was also filled with advertisements but mainly seems to serve the purpose of getting pure information to the audience with no other agenda other than to inform the community.

Washington Missourian Profile:
The particular event I will be summarizing occurs on September 9th, 1954. This is about the publication of the book The Place Names of Franklin County, MO by Robert L. Ramsay published in January of 1954 by The University of Missouri. This book was able to be purchased at the University Bookstore for $2.50 a copy and covered the reasoning behind the names of the places in Franklin County. The Washington Missourian seems much more formal compared to Gerald Journal from what I have seen. Although filled with just as much advertising Washington doesn’t seem to cover a wide array of topics like the Gerald Journal which leads me to believe the Washington had a certain agenda or audience they where trying to reach.

