10 Ways Hibiscus Can Amp Up Your Natural Skincare Routine

This classic thirst-quencher may also be nature’s Botox

Sass Ayres
Exploring Wellness
5 min readJun 25, 2021


wooden bowl filled with powdered red hibiscus flower
Image via Canva.

Let’s face it; our youthful, plump, rosy skin doesn’t last forever, no matter what we do. And besides, the natural aging process can be such a beautiful part of the human experience.

Nonetheless, we live in a world that sometimes seems like it’s hell-bent on aging us faster and faster!

Here are 10 reasons why hibiscus, one of the world’s most beloved flowers, is so incredibly good for your skin.

10 Incredible Skincare Benefits of Hibiscus

The broad scope of science-supported hibiscus flower health benefits ranges from helping to manage kidney and liver health, high cholesterol, and anemia, as well as menstruation and menopause.

And as luck would have it, hibiscus is equally as good for the outside of our bodies! So in case you had the odd hankering to spritz your face with some refreshing hibiscus tea, you’re totally on to something.

Is hibiscus good for your skin? Yes! And here’s 10 reasons why:

1. Hibiscus is Antioxidant-Rich

Ok, so first the bad news: we live in an increasingly toxic world. And our skin is our first line of defense. It’s constantly being exposed to toxins of all kinds, literally all the time.

And while that can sound incredibly defeating, one of the best things we can do is to give our bodies extra antioxidant support.

Enter hibiscus.

Lucky for us, hibiscus is naturally rich in antioxidants. It contains vitamin C as well as a variety of potent antioxidant compounds that include anthocyanins, polyphenols, and chlorogenic acids.

These antioxidants can help to reduce cellular damage created by exposure to toxins. And in reducing cellular damage, we are better able to resist disease and see fewer signs of premature aging.

2. Hibiscus is Hydrating, Inside & Out

Hibiscus tea is skincare from the inside out! Whether we’re drinking nourishing herbal teas or plain ol’ water, the more nourishing liquids we consume, the more hydrated we stay.

And staying well-hydrated is a key factor in maintaining the moisture and elasticity of our skin. When our skin is dry and tight, it’s less resilient to the stressors of everyday life and can lead to loss of elasticity, wrinkling, and a dull appearance.

3. Hibiscus is Anti-Inflammatory

Whether inflammation is a result of infection, allergies, or acne, a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods and herbs can be incredibly beneficial to your skin.

As the antioxidants found in hibiscus are fighting cellular damage and the oxidative stress that can lead to signs of premature aging, they are also helping to fight the inflammation of tissues.

Hibiscus can be used topically or taken internally as a tea for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

4. Hibiscus Helps to Support Our Skin’s Natural Detoxification

The health of our skin can often tell us a lot about how our body’s organs and systems of natural detoxification are (or aren’t) functioning. Some of the classic signs that we may benefit from a deep, cellular level detox include skin infections, rashes, and acne.

Plants high in antioxidants, like hibiscus, can help to support the healthy function of our liver and kidneys, some of our biggest detox organs.

When they’re under abnormal stress, hibiscus, one of the most gentle herbs for detox, may help to keep these organs healthy and eliminating toxins just as they should. And when our toxic load is kept low, our skin is healthier and more resistant to premature aging.

5. Hibiscus is Naturally Gently Exfoliating

Hibiscus contains alpha-hydroxy acids, commonly known as AHAs, that have been proven to act as gentle exfoliators when applied topically to the skin. You may recognize glycolic acid, lactic acid, or malic acid from the ingredients list of your anti-aging skin care products. These acids are some of the most used AHAs in the skincare industry.

AHAs are commonly added to anti-aging skin care products, as studies have shown that the benefits of AHAs may include the reduced appearance of wrinkles and improved skin texture. AHAs work to gently slough away dead skin to encourage skin cell turnover.

6. Hibiscus Has Wound Healing Properties

Wound healing is an essential part of slowing the aging process of our skin, especially if you have skin that is prone to blemishes. Without healthy wound healing processes, skin infections can more easily lead to scarring.

One study showed that an extract of hibiscus leaves may help to promote proper wound healing by increasing the production of fibronectin, a protein that can help to both speed up and improve the wound healing process.

7. Hibiscus May Help with Uneven Skin Tone

Here’s another incredible benefit of the AHAs found in hibiscus. As natural gentle exfoliators, AHAs help to slough off dead skin cells, and in doing so may help to remedy uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation.

8. Hibiscus May Help to Increase Collagen Production

As one of the main building blocks of our skin, collagen helps to keep our skin plump and firm. As we lose collagen, our skin loses elasticity and is more prone to sagging and wrinkles.

There are all kinds of collagen powders and potions on the market these days. But one of the easiest (and much more economical) ways to increase your collagen production is to amp up the vitamin C in your life.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is absolutely essential for natural collagen production. By naturally helping to boost specific enzymes that are responsible for collagen synthesis, vitamin C helps to delay the onset of wrinkling due to loss of collagen.

Vitamin C can help to increase collagen production both internally and when applied topically.

9. Hibiscus May Help to Decrease the Loss of Collagen

Collagen loss is a normal part of life. Normal daily sun exposure, poor lifestyle habits (like an excessive intake of sugar, alcohol, or smoking), and the normal aging process can all lead to an increased loss of collagen.

Hibiscus contains an antioxidant called myricetin that specifically suppresses collagenase, an enzyme whose main goal in life is to break down collagen. With less of this enzyme floating around, we experience less collagen loss.

10. Hibiscus May Help to Support Skin Elasticity

Much like collagen, elastin is another skin protein that plays a huge role in the health and appearance of our skin. And also like collagen, we lose elastin, the stretchy protein that keeps our skin tight due to an increase in elastase as we age. Elastase, like collagenase, is an enzyme that is specifically hell-bent on breaking down elastin.

And as it does with collagenase, the myricetin found in hibiscus can help to suppress the production of elastinase. By doing so, hibiscus can help us retain more elasticity in our skin, preventing it from sagging.

This article was originally published at https://www.botanyculture.com.



Sass Ayres
Exploring Wellness

Blogger@ botanyculture.com | Plant food & medicine educator + health & happiness advocate trying to be a better human one nature-inspired life lesson at a time.