5 Ways to Stay Fit During a Pandemic

David Jay
Exploring Wellness
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2020

COVID 19 has changed our daily routines and impacted the lives of everyone. If you are anything like me, you were probably in the middle of your fitness journey and COVID derailed your plans to have that amazing summer body. This post will focus on 5 ways to stay fit and continue your fitness journey at home if you are not comfortable going back to the gym just yet.

1. Join a Virtual Fitness Class

These classes are great to join and keeps you in touch with the fitness community. Not only will these types of classes challenge your fitness abilities but it will also allow you to communicate, connect, and build relationships with people in similar situations as you. I’ve come across several of these platforms on IG (i.e. @fit_mom_renewed). This particular page stood out because the owner is offering free zoom classes and judging by her transformation photos, she obviously knows what she is doing.

2. Walk, Run, Walk, Run… Repeat

Photo by annca Pixabay

It’s no secret cardio is a great way to get into shape and live a long life. If you want to build that summer body you have to incorporate cardio into your workouts. One of the many workouts I suggest for my clients is to go to a track and run the straightaways while walking the curves. This type of exercise helps burn fat by drastically increasing your heart rate and then allowing it to recover to a normal rate before increasing it again. This workout is no easy task especially if you’re pushing yourself. Do this ten times around the track once or twice a week and watch the fat melt away.


This is the exercise that puts hair on your chest or your kitten if you are a female. Moving right along, this exercise if done properly will destroy the fittest person. Burpees are a full-body workout, targeting your chest, arms, back, glutes, legs, and core. Throw a few of these in the middle of your workout but not too many or your workout may end prematurely.

4. Meditate

This may seem like it won’t help your fitness journey but the mind and body have to be on the same page to get results. Your brain isn’t a muscle but treat it as such and work it out. Find a quiet place for 15 minutes a day to reflect and organize your thoughts. Anyone can go through the motions of doing the exercises but the true growth happens when you can connect the mind and the body.


Photo by Singo_No Pixabay

Although this is the last tip on my list, it may very well be the most important. Getting rest and refueling your body is an absolute necessity in your fitness journey. The body can’t grow if you don’t allow it to recover. Sleep promotes the healing and repair of your body, so do yourself a favor get at least a good 8 hours of shut-eye.

My goal in life is to be able to touch and help as many people as I can. If you like this post please follow and share it with others. Also, leave comments I would love to hear from you!



David Jay
Exploring Wellness

God Fearing Father, Husband and Community Servant. Fitness Fanatic! Article Writer for What the Blog! https://whattheblog.wixsite.com/hos-ent