Final Prototype

Lois Gordon
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2020

Toto and The Magic Tree — changes, enhancements & the final product

The final prototype of Toto and The Magic Tree features new enhanced illustrations and new typography. As well as that, it features interactive elements that give feedback through sound and animation.

Some areas feature indicators to give the user hints on where to tap, other areas have hidden ‘easter eggs’ for the user to seek out without any indications. These type of interactions provide a sense of reward to the user.

View the video of the prototype, can you spot any hidden easter eggs?

The backgrounds on each screen have been updated from a solid light blue to a mixed blue and orange gradient, to mimic a sunset/dusk time of day. The use of this style of background gives each scene more depth.

The road used in the original prototype has been updated to fade into the distance which creates more depth and suggests there’s more beyond the current scene.

More depth has been added throughout each screen, including more shading and rearranging each illustration.

older versions of each of the screens

The animations and sounds now in the book creates a much more engaging experience, but enough so as not to disrupt the reading quality with distractions. Each animation is subtle and some relate back to earlier ones in the story, like the banana being grabbed by Arnold on the acknowledgments page is referenced later in the book when he drops it from the tree when he explains to Toto he cannot go on the adventure with him.

The bird on the screen where Toto is asking his Mother to go on the adventure is a hidden delight without any indication.



Lois Gordon
Editor for

I’m a Product Designer from Belfast, Northern Ireland that likes to write and draw outside my day job in Fintech.