In Sulcis, Sardinia — Italy.

A multimedia ebook, an incredible journey.

valeria canavesi


Which is the real soul of Sulcis, Italian and Sardinian awesome territory surrounded by a breathtaking sea, dotted with mines and UNESCO sites, once attended by Punic and Phoenician people? Which beach shall we choose if the Mistral is blowing? How to find our way among majestic dunes, medieval castles, Rationalistic towns and Romanesque basilicas?

Sulcis ebook: in its pages, all the answers and secrets of a spectacular area of Sardinia. A journey among photo-galleries, audio-video contents, interactive images and a short tale leading to the discovery of a jewel-land in the most authentic Italy.

Sulcis ebook: what does it mean? You touch a link and connect to a useful website; you open a photo and hidden infos appear; you leaf through the photogalleries and the text immediately becomes evocative, colorful and rich of emotions.

“In Sulcis” is available on iTunes & iBookstore and it’s not only an ebook. It takes you away, going afar: the richness of the territory, its archaic and modern faces, its naturalistic and industrial heritage make it a suggestive place to talk about. Whiterose beaches, overwhelming dunes, Unesco mines with black tunnels and railways, coast roads like ball of wool to unravel… page after page the traveller-reader lives a real interactive experience about this fantastic zone of Southern Italy.

General, historical, artistic infos give all the guidelines for those who want to go there and make their own trip, with highlights about public organizations, personalities, events, the restaurant or the legend you have absolutely to know. To conclude, you will also find an audio/video file about the essence of this extraordinary territory, thinking about the Troisi’s Postino movie!

INCIPIT — “There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval”, thought Schopenhauer. “Dèu seu gosendimì s’intervallu e ispereus chi durit!”, recites back Anna Simbula, a writer from San Giovanni Suergiu, a hit and sunk village in the heart of Sulcis.

Oh yes, let us enjoy the interval between the province of Cagliari and that of Iglesias, including the island of Sant’Antioco (and leave the Ligurian San Pietro, the narrow alleys of Carloforte and the local dialect to another time).

Let us linger on the infinite brackets of Sulcis — land of conquest for Punic and Phoenician people: the round brackets of its verdigris bays and slopes; the square ones of Carbonia’s Rationalism; or the gentle and curly ones of the pink movements by elegant flamingoes. Sulcis is the land of strong emotions, no halfway, take it or leave it. (to be continued…)

“In Sulcis”: an ebook by Valeria Canavesi. Available at iTunes & iBookstore, optimized for iPad & Mac.

Other ebooks & stories about authentic Italy at



valeria canavesi

Rincorrendo la felicità ho incontrato spesso la gioia.