The Essential Pop Culture Convention Packing List

Nathan Sykes
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2018

From San Diego Comic-Con to C2E2 to PAX, there are plenty of pop culture shows and events around the world to travel to and enjoy yourself at. These events are one of the best way to connect with people who enjoy the same things you do, all in one room on one dedicated weekend. If you haven’t attended an event like this, we’d really recommend it!

Image Credits — University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School of Business) —

However, a common question asked, is, well, “What exactly do I need to bring to these events”? Let’s try and answer that for you!

  • Backpacks
    Backpacks may be a good choice for you based on the event that you’re attending. If you’re trying to travel ultra-light, then don’t bother with this. On the up side, you’ll be able to skip bag checks! If you’re looking to buy merchandise, bring food, etc., then a backpack may be a great choice for you. Please keep in mind that some conventions have bag checks and metal detectors.
  • Food
    There is food most likely available at the convention center, and more reasonably priced (and better) food is available a stone throws away from any major convention center. However, you may just want to save money, or enjoy the taste of a homemade sandwich better than a fast-food joint. We can respect that. Make sure to research your convention’s specific food and drink policy beforehand!
  • Smart Phone
    While we don’t suggest making calls on the showroom floor, bringing your cell phone may prove beneficial to you. The event in question may have its own app (it probably does), you may want to use a QR reader for getting download links, or you may want to take notes during the show. Cell service may be a bit spotty on the main show floor due to the amount of folks making calls/texts.
  • Phone Charger + Power Bank
    A charger and a power bank will help you in the long run. Just bring a normal version of one of your chargers, the same you plug into the wall, and then also consider investing in a phone power bank. Here’s a good one if you don’t own one (not sponsored, of course). Some booths or areas may have chargers for you to use in a pinch.
  • Cash
    Get cash before you arrive, just in case an ATM isn’t working or is out of money. Specific vendors may only take cash, and it’s easy to be prepared than to be sorry. Remember — keep it in your front pockets, and check every ten minutes or so to make sure it’s still there.
  • Medicine
    There is almost no specific area to get medicine over the counter near the convention center — even if you duck into that one Walgreen's next to the entrance, it’s going to be crowded with everyone else getting medicine. Feel free to pack a day’s supply worth of your favorite headache medicine (we prefer Acetaminophen).

Well, that’s all you really need on a day trip to a major pop culture convention! As for packing, for clothes and what not, you can just use a normal packing list. Here’s an example for you.

Image Credit — DOT eSports —

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