Introducing Exponent: Advance Your Tech Career

Jacob Simon


Today, we’re excited to announce a big change: PMLesson is now Exponent. With this rebrand, we’re also expanding our platform in the coming weeks to include resources for more tech careers and exciting new partnerships.

What’s changing?

Our mission has always been to help people achieve more. Since we launched the first version of our site a year ago, in August 2018, we’ve already helped thousands of people prepare for product management roles and put their best foot forward in their interviews. We’re now partnering with universities and PM communities to expand our offerings to a broader audience. Along the way, we realized that users aren’t just getting “lessons”-they’re practicing, sharing, and growing together as a community.

With Exponent, we want to continue building on the success and learnings from the past year. Beyond the name change, we’ll be adding courses and coaching for popular career paths like software engineering, data science, and more. You’ll also begin seeing regular improvements to the quality of our platform and content. Our hope is that Exponent will become the go-to resource for your tech career, whether you’re an industry veteran or just getting started.

Of course, we’re still putting a lot of energy into our PM course and coaching services, and you’ll continue to have access to all our content on Exponent if you’re a subscriber today. If you encounter any trouble, just reach out to us over email or Slack.

Why Exponent?

We believe people achieve exponentially more when they work together, and having good mentors in your career can be a multiplier on your success. What’s more, an exponent is also defined as “someone who demonstrates a particular skill, especially to a high standard.” We believe that Exponent’s courses, coaching, and community will help you build and demonstrate your own talents.

How you can help

Changes like these can be exciting and daunting, and we can’t do it without you. Want to help out? Check out this list of opportunities to work with us and share it with your friends!

Follow us on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Jacob and Stephen
Exponent co-founders

Originally published at on August 6, 2019.



Jacob Simon

Software engineer and product builder. Co-founder at Exponent, previously @Dropbox | Princeton CS '15 |