SHARE v0.1

Adam Huttler
Exponential Creativity Ventures
1 min readJan 23, 2018

by Adam Huttler

A couple of months ago, I proposed creating a new investment instrument called the SHARE.

The SHARE is intended to:

  1. Make lots of good companies “investable” that would not otherwise be candidates for venture capital;
  2. Align investor and founder incentives toward the shared goal of building a sustainable, profitable business.

For more context or background, please see the original post.

Today, I am happily ready to publish a first draft (call it version 0.1) of the SHARE.

The document borrows heavily (steals unapologetically?) from the SAFE, with a few cuts and some additional language to address the revenue-sharing component. It is currently under review by the legal counsel of a company in which we’re hoping to invest. As of today, it has not been subjected to nearly as much scrutiny as the SAFE and should be used with caution (if at all) and only after your own professional legal review.

Those caveats aside, here’s where you can find the document.

Constructive comments, proposed edits, clarifying questions, and complete non-sequiturs are all welcome. As soon as it’s appropriate to do so, I will post an updated version that incorporates public feedback.

