Why We Invested in Move38

Introducing Blinks — A Board Game with a Mind of Its Own

Adam Huttler
Exponential Creativity Ventures
1 min readFeb 16, 2018


Our portfolio company Move38 is running a Kickstarter campaign for its latest (and greatest?) product, Blinks.

Blinks was the product that Jonathan Bobrow demoed for me back in April when we made our investment. Then, as now, it’s hard to predict the commercial appeal of this novel, open platform for casual, digital tabletop games. One thing I do know, though, is that Blinks are authentically new — a genuine innovation in an industry that is as old as chess and sees lots of product launches but very little fundamental change.

Exponential Creativity Ventures does not invest in content, only infrastructure. Some have asked, therefore, why Blinks? The answer is that Blinks isn’t really a game. Sure, it ships with several fun games preloaded. But the beauty of the product is that it’s an open system that allows anyone, with minimal technical skill, to design and distribute her own Blinks-based games. That’s the kind of creativity-enabling tech that we love to see — both as an investment and because of how it benefits society.

Check out the Kickstarter campaign. Take time to absorb it. Then I hope you’ll join me as a backer.

