Tech Titans’ AI Collaborations: Innovation or Data Exploitation?

Team Exponential
Exponential Era
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2024

The field of AI is constantly evolving, and recent developments underscore technological progress and strategic shifts among industry leaders. Major AI firms are adapting rapidly and are driven by substantial investments. Nvidia, for example, invested in 35 AI companies in 2023, amounting to tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars. Meta, another key player, plans to invest around $33 billion, solidifying its leadership in AI. Apple also made significant moves, acquiring 32 AI companies last year, closely following Nvidia’s lead. These numbers highlight intense competition and the willingness of companies to collaborate with rivals to gain advantages in this fast-paced sector.

Source: CB Insights

Recently, Apple has been exploring a partnership with Meta in the AI space despite their differences in the past few years. The partnership aims to improve Apple Intelligence, a recent internal AI project in the company. This is in addition to Apple’s recent partnership with Open AI to integrate ChatGPT’s capabilities and intelligence into their OS. But what about Nvidia? Well, Nvidia has also made strides in its partnerships. Last year, Nvidia partnered with Google Cloud to further evolve its AI infrastructure. This year, Nvidia partnered with Microsoft to enable faster AI development and deployment by integrating NVIDIA’s DGX Cloud, Omniverse Cloud APIs, and Triton Inference Server with Microsoft’s Azure platform.

For the AI industry, these partnerships can foster an environment of shared innovation and resources, accelerating the development of advanced AI applications. Such collaborations also indicate a strategic move towards integrating AI more deeply into various sectors, promising rapid advancements and broader adoption of AI technologies across industries. But some major problems can sprout from these partnerships, one that includes the very consumers of these products.

Source: Akash Sriram

Data security becomes paramount as vast amounts of information are shared between partners, risking breaches and unauthorized access. It was only recently that Elon Musk voiced out his concerns against the Apple and OpenAI partnership. He stated that “Apple has no clue what’s actually going on once they hand your data over to OpenAI,” voicing his concerns about user privacy. His concerns are grounded to a certain extent. Back during the year of its initial release, Italy had banned ChatGPT from being used in the country due to its capability of gathering information from its users. It was only last year when the ban was lifted once Open AI made changes to its privacy policies. But that’s not the end of it. A report from the New York Times last December delved deep into how ChatGPT actually stores user prompts, and they’ve found that despite the tool being able to “forget” previous personally identifiable information, with the right prompts and in the hands of the wrong people, the tool can be used to recall this information like it was yesterday.

Additionally, Meta, the current company that Apple is planning to partner with also had its own legal problems with data privacy. It was not too long ago when Meta’s Threads came under fire because of user privacy issues, and it’s easy to forget that back in 2019, Meta had to pay a $5 billion fine to settle Facebook’s privacy concerns. Despite Meta’s want to make AI information public and accessible to the people, its history and its business approach tells otherwise.

There are millions, maybe billions of information stored in these tools, and the partnerships only make it easier to pool this information in a few locations or worse, into the hands of mega-corporations. What if this trove of data falls into the hands of powerful entities some of which we already mentioned about? The ability to access and manipulate vast amounts of sensitive personal information stored within AI systems could fundamentally alter dynamics of power and control. It raises concerns about surveillance, privacy violations, and potentially unchecked influence over societal and political landscapes. These are not just hypothetical scenarios, but real concerns that we must address in the AI industry.

Consider a scenario where AI insights are exploited to surveil or influence public opinion, elections, or economic policies. Think of a future where a handful of super-AIs control the world because of the mass amount of information being fed to them. The integration of Super-AIs made by these companies across critical sectors could inadvertently empower clandestine agendas, undermining democratic principles and individual freedoms. This is a possible future we are facing in the hands of these mega-corporations and one of the reasons why we should tread lightly in this new generation of AI evolution. Sure, these partnerships can certainly improve AI at a much faster rate than we have anticipated before, but at what cost?

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