A Guide To Engaging With Stories — Express Impact

Here’s how to make more friends and no enemies.

Sompa Mensah
Express Impact


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Getting started with writing on Medium is not easy. Let’s face the truth.

If you are an experienced writer on the platform you’ll agree with me. It can take weeks or even months to get to know the ins and outs of building a community here as a writer.

Some writers got to learn these norms the hard way, and some even got into some kind of trouble with other writers just because they were new and did not know how things were done.

Just so you don’t end up in a similar situation, I am going to show you the bread and butter of being a member of Medium’s brilliant community — engagement.

If you are a new writer, or new to the Express Impact publication or any other publication for that matter, you need this.

Trust me, you do. And it’s not optional! Because not getting to know these important norms is going to cost you a growing audience.

Before we get into the details, let me tell you this now:

Medium is not like other social media platforms. Things are done very differently here.



Sompa Mensah
Express Impact

Editor for Express Impact. Heart-driven writer, passionate about self-improvement and growth.