Are Confident people born or made?

Sofie Jacobs
Express Impact
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2024
Photo by Thomas Kilbride on Unsplash

Has this question ever crossed your mind?

Well, It certainly has crossed mine. So I took the time to ask a couple of my friends what they think and they all had different perspectives on the subject.

Some said confident people are born, while most believe they are made.

Although I don’t entirely disagree with their ideas, my perspective slightly differs.

I believe that one's placement as regards being confident or not is a product of series of conscious or subconscious decisions.

Why would you say that?

Humans are different from other species because of 3 major things; our ability to choose, reason and learn.

The moment you are born, you have a clean slate and a clean memory.

Everything you have grown to know and become came as a result of different suggestions whether from family, friends and even society.

All of these ideas put together help shape you into the person you are.

Now, in the question of being confident or not, whatever idea you have about your placement as regards this subject is a function of suggestions and situations that has happened overtime.

No one is designed to be static.

We are made to be ever evolving and for this, we were given the potential to acquire, develop and foster any skill we set out hearts to - including self confidence.

My point being that the question of being confident or not hinges not on the factors affecting your childhood, although this does have some effect.

It doesn't depend on your temperamental placement, whether you're an introvert or extrovert.

It has nothing to do with your background, whether you're born with a silver or wooden spoon.

All of these factors make little to no difference in the question of acquiring genuine self confidence.

You must realize that reshaping your ideology about yourself depends solely on personal choice rather than the views of others.

  • It’s not a question of who you are, what you do, or even where you’re from. It boils down to what you choose; confidence hinges on the simple act of choice. That is all it takes’’

- from Navigating the Stage (master your fright)

With determination, dedication and commitment, you can become whatever you choose.

So, to answer the question;
I believe confident people can be born, or made, but most importantly, I believe the one who becomes confident is the one who makes that choice and lives it out everyday.

Confidence plays an integral role in achieving anything in life. The lack of it will leave you living below your actual potentials.

If you would like a more in-depth guide to help you build your self confidence, then join dozens of others who have benefitted from this practical material.

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Ps: You can clap up to 50 times. Try it:-)



Sofie Jacobs
Express Impact

Digital Creator ✨ | Showing my scars so the one still bleeding knows there's hope for healing |