Become A Writer For Express Impact!

And create a lasting positive impact with your words.

Sompa Mensah
Express Impact
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2024


Created by Author with Canva

If you, me, and the rest of humanity has learned anything about knowledge sharing and human interactions, it is that these elements have succeeded in making people better versions of themselves.

Knowledge is power, the say. Which means knowledge has the power to birth positive change.

But here’s the beauty of it all — all knowledge started off as an idea in someone’s head.

Now that’s basically what Express Impact is all about!

Are you a writer who is keen on sharing with the world your knowledge or ideas about any wholesome topic, whether big or small?

Or are you on the other end of the spectrum — a reader who seeks a go-to place to learn something new for the day from other writers?

I created this publication with a goal of housing the most impactful stories out there that need to be read and heard.

Ideas worth sharing and lessons worth learning.

So, if you have some great piece of knowledge you believe will bring a positive impact to the life of at least one person out there, you are welcome to join this publication.



Sompa Mensah
Express Impact

Editor for Express Impact. Heart-driven writer, passionate about self-improvement and growth.