Enjoy Your Life: If You Do Not, Others Will Enjoy it on Your Behalf

Saving without enjoyment is tantamount to failure and unlimited punishment

Chinedu V. Onyema
Express Impact


Photo by Sofia on Unsplash

Of course, you do not need to agree with these assertions. You have the fundamental human rights to vehemently and legally (but not violently) disagree.

Several years ago, a charismatically inspiring youth leader was robbed of his hard earned money — not at a gun point but in a rather subtle manner. It was a huge personal loss to him. The circumstances made it even much more painful.

By virtue of the values of those days, the amount should be in the region of $1,500. He said the money was removed from his vehicle by unknown persons.

He narrated his rather funny reaction to it. The following week, he had travelled to a bigger city for a business trip. It turned out the business negotiations he did were not successful.

Accordingly therefore, he quietly went to a nice restaurant and ordered for some mouthwatering delicacies: comprising of some fried chicken, rice, pepper soup and a bottle of tasty nourishing non-alcoholic wine.

A plate of goat meat pepper soup by the author

Obviously, we had a good laugh while he addressed us at a youth meeting then. He regrettably reminisced how he would have taken his time to enjoy the money in all its ramifications.

Of course, many would have blamed him for such.

The reasons he enumerated included that: you would not solve any problem by adding to the ones you have. Wisdom is a relative foolishness.

Secondly, since you made the lost money by yourself: chances are you could make even more. So, why would you cry blood over some spilt milk?

Thirdly, if you become sick or ill and had to spend a number of days in a hospital: you would appreciate the value of being healthy and reasonably enjoying yourself. Those were his lectures as captured by this writer.

Interestingly, it should be noted that he was not yet married as at the time of the unfortunate incident.

Relatively, things should be put in a clear perspective, here. He was not implying that anyone should be prodigal. Neither did he mean that the culture of savings, discipline and future plans should be discarded.

The culture of the third world countries is radically distinct from the developed world. The institutions are either non-existent or corruptedly, grossly inefficient.

Consequently, the guarantees are not there for savings, insurance coverages and social welfare schemes. It is sadly succinctly put that every man is a “government of his own”.

Truly, you provide your own electricity, water, housing and even security. If care is not taken, one could labour and tragically labour for nothing.

A plate of combination of natural delicacies by the author

If you see how some supposedly sympathizers-cum survivors would outdo each other (or one another) in terms of funeral donations, you would marvel at what goes on in the hearts of men. Ironically, the diseased could have literally died of starvation.

Therefore, we tend to embrace an unusually incredible culture. You either enjoy yourself, if you can or someone does it for you. Unbelievably, when bad things happen; that’s when you would see the other side of men.

For the records, self love is not a crime. It becomes a moral issue when it is unduly excessive. It becomes excessive when it is irrational.

“Love your neighbour as yourself” implies that you basically have some love for yourself. It would not be feasible to love someone else when you do not love yourself. That is the simple truth.

Therefore, one of the proofs of self love is enjoyment of oneself. The ability and willingness to enjoy oneself is a prerequisite to allow or assist others enjoy themselves as well.

We must embrace the home truth that a little bit of self care is a fundamentally wholesome practice. Let us therefore enjoy ourselves so that we could help others enjoy themselves.

So help us God.



Chinedu V. Onyema
Express Impact

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."