Farewell April: Welcome May

April 2024 is forever gone and May is (about to be) born

Chinedu V. Onyema
2 min readMay 1, 2024
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

By the time you read this: it is either April, 2024 is all over or May, 2024 is virtually here. Of course, May Day could not have been here if those poorly treated workers in Chicago, Illinois had had it rosy ab initio.

I guess their plight was similar, if not worse than what several workers in certain several countries of the world still go through today, as we speak. Yet, it might not be exactly in the same scale and similitude as those of the founding workers, understandably.

One thing is however clear. Their sweat, sacrifices and sufferings did give birth to not just a significant ‘Happy-New-Month’ Day but a generally recognized global workers’ holiday.

May Day, I believe, should be the most commonly observed universal holiday of all time.

To bid farewell to April and usher in May, may we enjoy this little piece.

Farewell the month of April.

All hail the month of May.

Rest assured, May is better.

Expect greater, better things.

Work with the heart of faith.

Enjoy the lovely little mercies.

Live your life to the fullest.

Love all as comely creatures.

Anticipate a blessed month.

Pray for joy, peace and health.

Real worries are distractions.

Increase your conviction level.

Let light and love and life be.

We shall be glad in this May.

Enjoy the goodness of today.

Listen and ye shall hear this:

Cast all your cares on Him.”

Observe the right things still.

Minister encouragement to all.

Eventually, savour new things.

May the month of May be for:

All people’s happiness and joy;

Yearning for the summer day.

Happy New Month all Medians

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Thanks for reading.



Chinedu V. Onyema

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."