Guidelines & Requirements For Submission — Express Impact.

What you need to know before submitting your story.

Sompa Mensah
Express Impact


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1. Nothing AI. . .at all

At Express Impact we have a no-AI policy. Fresh ideas and knowledge are birthed from each person’s unique mind.

We will not accept regurgitated information plastered all over the internet, especially by robots. Besides, we all know where to find AI generated content.

2. Accepted Topics

The goal of stories in this publication will be to leave a positive impact in the minds and hearts of your readers. Your stories should basically get the reader to leave a comment like. . .

“Oh wow, I did not know this. I guess I have learned something knew from your article, so thank you for sharing, Sompa”

All wholesome topics are welcome. You will get to know what falls under the “unwholesome” category in the next point.

3. Unaccepted Topics & Writing Styles

We do not accept stories about erotica, politics, conspiracy theories, horror, sex, and other similar topics.

As for writing styles we will not welcome profanity, renegade writing, destructive criticism, and other



Sompa Mensah
Express Impact

Editor for Express Impact. Heart-driven writer, passionate about self-improvement and growth.