
How I Conquered My Fear Of Losing And Turned Every Opportunity Into A Win

A single shift in perspective can unlock boundless possibilities.

Devansh Tomar
Express Impact


Photo by Rick Gebhardt on Unsplash

A single shift in perspective can unlock boundless possibilities.

We often lose sight of opportunities that surround us with an unaware mind.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, in all the opportunities you seek, you are scared most of one thing — losing. As humans, we have a bias towards loss aversion. When the pain of losing is psychologically twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining, that’s why we buy insurance.

If you are not aware, you naturally become scared of losing.

You want to give a job interview, but fear getting rejected.

You want to approach someone but fear getting a no.

You want to build a business, but fear failure.

You want to invest but fear facing losses.

In every opportunity, you face that fear.

But why are you scared to lose something you haven’t yet gained?

You fear getting rejected from a job you don’t have, a person you haven’t met, a business you never built, or an investment you’ve never made.

You never had it anyway, so what are you scared of?

‘What if’ you take action and get what you want, but your fear stops you from achieving it?

Our brains are wired to prioritize fear over success, so we often forget to consider the possibility of winning when thinking about “what ifs.” This instinct to avoid risk holds us back from taking action.

Everything is a win.

Start looking at every potential opportunity as a win.

You are pursuing something because you don’t have it, otherwise you wouldn’t do it. When you don’t have it, then you are losing nothing by taking your chance. You are only losing if you let fear stop you from taking action.

When you start seeing everything as a win, you won’t be scared to take action anymore. It’s like you’ve got nothing to lose, right?

Fear is a shield created by our mind to keep us safe, but not all fears are real.

You’re not stuck in the jungle, fending off wild beasts. Here, you’re safe — but your mind is playing tricks on you. It’s trying to shield you from getting rejected, losing, or failing. The thing is, it can’t tell the difference between real danger and the feelings that scare you.

All threats are the same for our brain, but our awareness can help to differentiate them.

You have to become conscious of one thing, you were born with nothing.

Yes, nothing. The family, wealth, and circumstances were not something you gained but given. Think about it — you started with zero, but now you’ve got a story to tell. All your successes and failures are part of who you are today.

You win every time you take action, regardless of the outcomes.

Quantifying every action into a win or loss is misguided.

It goes way beyond the outcomes. With every action, you choose to gain experience, build relationships, learn lessons, form beliefs, and become more aware. All this stuff adds up to make you who you are. Let’s be real, we learn way more from our failures than our successes.

Do what is right and needed, and accept the following outcome as an element of your personality.

You can’t lose by taking a chance; the only way to lose is to never try.

Being born as a human is a victory in and of itself, and so is everything you do.



Devansh Tomar
Express Impact

A marketer who writes to express | Follow to read on personal growth, habits, spirituality, and writing.