How I ‘Converted’ a Troll Recently

Some persons are better dealt with, with ‘psychological superiority’

Chinedu V. Onyema
Express Impact


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

There was this interesting platform I just joined recently. I made a post that has no bearing to any individual.

Some persons, however, became extremely angry. They elevated it to another level. As a matter of fact, they became overbearing.

They turned into what politicians and political watchers would describe as “attack dogs”. If not, how would an individual be comprehensively and vehemently abusive about certain general propositions?

For instance, “Money cannot buy joy.” “Money only gives temporary happiness.” “Nobody is poor but he who has nothing but money”.

Ordinarily, these are thought-provoking propositions. They are meant to generate opinions. They are supposed to bring out responses, not necessarily reactions from the public.

Consequently …

One could agree partially. One could agree completely. Another could disagree partially. Another could disagree completely.

As a matter of fact, some could be strangely neutral. Expectedly, there should be reason(s) for whatever positions anyone has taken. Even if there are no reasons, there should not be any form of “cataclysmic upheavals” as a result.

Naturally, any group of persons being above eighteen (18) years are expected to conduct themselves in a manner composed of basic standard emotional, psychological and social intelligences. Often, however, this has rarely been the case.

Therefore, in the said group discourse: a fellow was so angry that he described the post as “silly”. He went ahead to demand that it be pulled down. But the admin was wiser.😆

In my response, I did state: how could a smart, intelligent fellow be contributing to a “silly” post?🤔 No further response came from him.

Another group member was apparently obviously disappointed with a whole lot of “mysterious” issues that he had to use the ‘f-word’ a couple of times. He described the then ongoing discussions as “stupid”, to state it mildly.

Thank God for the Grace of a combination of intelligences. I rather responded thus: A wise man does not and should not respond angrily to a “stupid” comment.

That might have successfully and psychologically hit the camel’s back. The response from him in a few minutes later, showed it.

He realized his error and fell short of rendering an unreserved apology. That was the monumental, magical moment for me.

Guess what?

He followed me immediately. I double checked to ensure he was actually the one. I won him without exchanging any blows whatsoever.

Interestingly, you could win a battle and lose the war. Through the vehicle of psychological intelligence, you could win both the battle and the war and at the end of the day, nobody feels being the winner nor the loser.

That is psychological superiority in a nutshell.

Thanks for reading.

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Chinedu V. Onyema
Express Impact

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."