
There’s No Single Recipe for Success — Why Following Others Path Is Holding You Back

There is no universal blueprint for success.

Devansh Tomar
Express Impact


Photo by Chela B. on Unsplash

There is no universal blueprint for success.

Everyone is a creator, influencer, and businessman in this booming digital era. Most are doing well with their chosen path.

Their accomplishments inspire us, motivating us to emulate them and leading us to believe that it’s the right path to success.

So you spend every penny to buy courses and mentorships, and you try every way to learn their recipe for success.

But guess what?

It still might not work for you.

Many factors contribute to success, including your efforts, dedication, obsession, and consistency. But, while these factors in the right proportion may lead to growth for you, still you can’t guarantee to achieve the same level of success as others.

I’ve tried everything online. I’ve done marketing, freelancing, web design, paid ads, SEO, and even dropshipping (okay, don’t judge me now).

But I couldn’t make it! I even paid for the best mentorship every single time, spending an outrageous amount to gain access.

Every time I did it, I had only one thought: “This is exactly what I want to do!”

The problem was that I was doing it because of the influence; I was doing it because it seemed cool or successful. I always thought, ‘If this person has gained wealth with a marketing agency, then I should do it too!’

I started building an agency. But, my soul met constant resistance and felt that something was missing.

And what’s missing here?

It was my lack of self-understanding; I wasn’t aware of what I wanted.

I saw everyone in my community sharing their victories while I was struggling every day.

The degree of influence from others around me, particularly on social media, began to drive my path to success. This lack of awareness led me to waste time on activities not intended for me. Learning from it isn’t a waste but an investment. I’ve gained knowledge and aim to help you do the same.

If you don’t know who you are and what you want, someone else will define it for you.

You may still have doubts, that if others can achieve success, why can’t you?

Is there something wrong with you?

Don’t you deserve success?

Yes, you deserve success, but without knowing yourself and your path, it’s unachievable.

If someone has done it, it’s their own path, but it’s not necessarily yours.

Each of us is unique and special due to our unique perspectives, mindsets, cultures, upbringings, and experiences.

This uniqueness defines the trajectory of your life.

Then, should you just sit down and do nothing?

No, instead, try everything, but don’t force it.

When you’re meant for something, it fits like a puzzle piece, but when it’s not, you experience friction.

Each of us is unique, so stop listening and copying others. What has worked for them isn’t assured to work for you.

How do you know if something is meant for you or not?

Try everything you’re curious about.

When you’re doing the right thing for your soul, you’ll feel in the flow.

You’ll feel as if you’re not sailing against the wave but with it. The waves will be harsh and the shore will be far. But, you will want to keep sailing without any rush to the destination. For you, the journey is enjoyable even when it’s hard.

This is when you know that something you’re doing is right for you.

I told you, I’ve tried everything to feel fulfilled, but those decisions were only influenced by external influences.

When I focused on understanding myself, I realized that I was heading in the wrong direction. You may have been in the wrong race, chasing someone else’s success while ignoring your own.

Now I write every day. I may not be a rich writer yet. But, at least I am fulfilled and purposeful, which is a success for me.

Your understanding of yourself determines your definition of success. And, the amount of action you take in relation to it.

When going the right way, you’ll face problems. But, they’ll not seem unmanageable until you get excited and obsessed with overcoming them. In contrast, if you’re going the wrong way, even small problems can feel like a huge burden.

The right path will fill you with joy. This will happen no matter how hard the journey is. But it’s the wrong path that will make you feel incomplete, doubtful, and anxious.

So are you sailing with the wave or against the wave?

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Devansh Tomar
Express Impact

A marketer who writes to express | Follow for personal growth, spirituality, and writing.