What Is Positive Thinking and What Are Its Effects?

I’m convinced that many people don’t exactly understand the meaning of the phrase “positive thinking” and need additional explanations.

Express Impact
4 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

Does thinking positively mean dreaming of fantastical things like rainbows and chocolate?

In general terms, positive thinking means a set of ideas directed towards your good goals or desires.

In essence, “thinking positively” means directing your mind towards what you want in life and what brings you joy. Whether you think about pleasant past experiences or what you would like to experience in the future, this is positive thinking.

Therefore, everything that creates good, healthy, and harmonious thoughts helps the body and represents positive ideas.

The effects of an optimistic thinking pattern are many. Some of the more important ones include better sleep, inner harmony, peace of mind, better health, and following a path in life that you have set for yourself.

Personal development specialists say that what happens to you (the external circumstance) doesn’t matter as much as how you react and your thoughts.

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Why is positive thinking important?

I answer this question very simply: because your life’s course depends on it. Why do you think there are happy and unhappy people on Earth? Rich and poor? Successful people and failures? Sick people and healthy people?

All these contrasts depend on how a person thinks and acts.

This shows how a person’s life is composed of the sum of their actions, which become habits and behavioral patterns deeply rooted in their subconscious.

Most people complain about everything: the weather, the political system, lack of money, health conditions, the national or global economy, etc. However, a small part of the world’s population understands that, in reality, things are neither good nor bad. They are neutral, and each person interprets them according to their habit of thinking. More precisely, each sees reality according to their most intimate beliefs.

A repeated mental pattern over time gives rise to an attitude that turns into an unshakable belief. And the interesting part is that what a person believes in the depths of their heart becomes valid and possible for them.

This happens because each person’s self-suggestion penetrates the subconscious mind and activates the law of attraction, which brings them more elements similar to what they believe.

We all have enormous potential and work with an extraordinarily powerful force: the law of attraction. And whether we know it or not, it works. Both for good and for bad.

Photo by Evan Krause on Unsplash

The Other Side: Negative Thinking and Its Effects

On the opposite side, some people ignore these laws and live their lives according to where fate leads them.

In their opinion, there is a predetermined destiny for each person, and we can’t do much.

This category of people neglects the extraordinary forces at their disposal and the enormous potential they have. This happens because of negative suggestions from those around them, wrong conditioning from childhood, or simply due to past failures.

Still, negative thinking is not excusable and has some of the most unpleasant consequences: health problems, lack of energy, depression, anxiety, failures, and last but not least, depression.

But the saddest thing is that those who neglect their mental capacities waste an extremely precious resource: the time they have available.

If you don’t realize the gravity of the situation you are in and its main cause (your mentality), you will wander forever without being truly happy.

Long-term negative thinking drains the spirit of any trace of genius. All the values and gifts with which a person is endowed fade in the face of their negative and limiting beliefs.

Looking at things this way, I realize that many people self-sabotage and cut their legs out from under them.

Negative thinking has nothing good in it. It only shows disillusionment and ruin.

Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

So… what do you decide to do from now on?

To cultivate positive thinking and enjoy its effects, you need to do one thing now: decide.

Review the events of your past and draw a line. Ask yourself: what in my thinking created this result?

By doing an introspection process, you will notice how important thoughts are.

The idea is not to keep track of all your thoughts but to make sure their nature aligns with what you want from life. Only then will things start to change for you.

And if you have trouble knowing how you think at any given moment, simply ask yourself how you feel. The feelings you have will tell you how you have thought up to that point.

If you feel sad and down, it means you have negative thoughts, and it’s time to change them with some positive thoughts.

However, it is very important that when you have certain thoughts, you also feel them. Live the emotion of the respective thought and feel the state of joy. This way, you will give even more strength to your thoughts.

Photo by Kitera Dent on Unsplash

