Who’s Juneteenth For Anyway?

A conversation between friends

Marques D. Cameron Sr., M.Ed.
Express Impact


Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

A friend of mine called wanting to further the discussion on Juneteenth. He liked the points that I made and would like to go further. He wanted it to be the sequel to my previous discussion on Juneteenth.

Marques Cameron’s Background

I introduced myself, mentioning my podcast, teaching career, and personal background. Including my work in high school education and focus on African history through his podcast.

Discussion on Juneteenth

The conversation centers on the commercialization of Juneteenth, with which I expressed a concern that it has lost its cultural significance due to mainstream commercialization by large retailers.



Marques D. Cameron Sr., M.Ed.
Express Impact

Greetings I am an social studies educator, lecturer, podcaster, and my goal is to share African History. Let’s learn together. marqdcameron@gmail.com