Why Submit Your Stories To Express Impact?

It’s one thing to write, and another thing to write for impact.

Sompa Mensah
Express Impact


Shot by Jespar Oppong (Idea by Author)

“In every day, there are 1440 minutes. That means we have 1440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact” ~ Les Brown

This quote by Les Brown comes of as striking to me as it shows the potential impact you can make when you speak, act, or in our case, write throughout your day.

Express Impact is an opportunity for you to make sure your 2 to 5 minute articles are turned into 2 to 5 opportunities to touch readers’ lives in a positive way.

Who knows, your words could be the only ones a reader needs to get started with their day on a good note.

Or your experience could be the one to lift someone else out of depression.

The possibilities are endless.

The introductory image used in this article was taken by an amazing photographer friend of mine some years back. (Yes, that’s my hand in the image)

Reflecting on the image inspired an original quote that says:

“The knowledge or idea you possess is like light in your palm, capable of brightening the paths of many” ~ Sompa Mensah.

So if you’d like for your ideas to brighten up your readers’ day or path, share with us your story!

“There’s no greater gift than thinking that you had some impact on the world for the better “~ Gloria Steinem

Thank you for reading to the end!



Sompa Mensah
Express Impact

Editor for Express Impact. Heart-driven writer, passionate about self-improvement and growth.