Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!
Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2022


I have been with Medium almost since the beginning.

I created my main profile is and then 2 secondary profiles. I try to keep up with the changes on this platform. But, if I'm being honest, sometimes features implemented leave in me in “funk” or a “fog”. Nevertheless there are two things about the Medium Staff that are praiseworthy.

Number One: You deserve commendation for your “stick-to-it” and “gonna-make-it” attitudes. Through ups and downs, you ride the waves gracefully.

Number Two: Even though I am a lowly writer, not worthy of attention, with less than 1K followers, and I don't really write about anything of major significance to the world we live in ... whenever I send a message asking a question or sharing feedback, someone always responds to me like a human being and gives me an answer, You may think that's a normal thing, but I have been on platforms where any efforts to contact Admin folks fall through a black hole and disappear for eternity!

I will remain with Medium as long as I am permitted to be here. Whatever path you take, I wish you success!



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

Hi! Thanks for visiting. Please come back often. ** Freelance blogger/article writer since 2007. Crypto enthusiast & K-drama lover! What about you?