Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2022


Interesting history lesson. So the prediction was that the USA would rule the world? Oh really?

There is a reason WHY neither America nor any other nation for that matter can boast that they are the most powerful nation in this world. It's because of the prophecy in the book of Daniel about the Stone that would break in pieces, and consume all of those powerful kingdoms (or nations).

The prophecy has been fulfilled. There is NEVER going to be a nation that is “the most powerful” because God has His OWN system of “checks and balances”. The ways of the nations are in His Hands.

Saddam Hussein tried to rebuild “Babylon”. It's a pity Saddam did not realize that “the plans of man are many but in The End only God's plan succeeds”. When God puts you down, you stay down. If God doesn't lift you up, you can't get lifted up. Jesus said: “If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw ALL men unto Me.” This is the REAL WAY that the world turns.

Still! I suppose people have fun trying to predict the future. LOL.

Another excellent article!! Two thumbs up!



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

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