Nonet Poetry | Life Lessons | Psychology | Poetry
It´s What The Heart Says
Everytime I have been bullied, it felt terrible. I managed to keep onto doing what I love to do in my life.
everytime I see those eyes, I will
look into the deepest and dark
soul that went through hell for years;
by those who were jealous
that they did not had
what I had as
that my heart
told to
What was the moment when you had been bullied, but you stayed calm and keep doing what you’ve always had been doing?
Write this in a Nonet Poem.
Nonet Poetry
Rules for the Nonet Poetry:
— 9 lines for the whole poem.
— The first line has 9 syllables, the second line has 8 syllables, and so on until you have one syllable in the last — thus nine — line.
— No topic rule, every topic is possible.
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