My TIPS for Publishing Your Medium Publication

I started a Medium publication in May 2019 and since that time I have been constantly tweaking it. To me, the most important aspect of any publication is … (drumroll) … Content Display and Presentation.

Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

My Publication Strategy

I want to give articles written by me and by my contributing writers as much “face time” as possible!

What’s “face time”? In case you don’t know … One time I was listening to a celebrity who had been asked to make an appearance in a video (or it may have been a commercial advertisement) and I couldn’t believe my ears. He was bargaining how long his face would be seen by the public. Incredible! Do you know how much people are willing to pay a celebrity to make a cameo appearance in their video?

The celebrity was saying something like: “OK. Just 5 seconds.”

I’m like: ‘WHAT??!! Seconds! Not even minutes? People will pay by the second for a glimpse of a celebrity’s face??’

Nevertheless, following that logic, I rearranged the presentation of stories for my Medium publication and tried to get as many stories on the front page as possible to give them as much “face time” as…



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

Hi! Thanks for visiting. Please come back often. ** Freelance blogger/article writer since 2007. Crypto enthusiast & K-drama lover! What about you?