Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!
Published in
1 min readJun 2, 2017


When it comes to wars and rumors of wars, I just pray about it. And speak out, in opposition, whenever and wherever I can.

No. I’m not overwhelmed or distracted by the news and/or social media. It’s not to say Putin and Paris don’t matter, but I employ extremely selective listening. I just don’t listen to all the news. There’s way too much overload. I keep my eyes and ears open for the things that are really important for me and my family. #Healthcare, #Education, and #Employment, JUSTICE AND EQUALITY.

When it comes to wars and rumors of wars, and all that “wrath of God” stuff, I just pray about it. I recognize my own limitations. Some things are beyond my control.

“Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” ~ Bruce Lee (1940–1973)



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

Hi! Thanks for visiting. Please come back often. ** Freelance blogger/article writer since 2007. Crypto enthusiast & K-drama lover! What about you?