Perks of Traveling

Traveling gives you a lot of benefits, which aren’t just timely. These are lifetime gains that make your life worth living.

Medhat Rehman
Express Yourself!
4 min readJan 17, 2022


Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash

Some people think that traveling means just going out to someplace, living there a couple of days, seeing snow, or viewing sunsets, or walking along the seashore, and coming back home. No! It’s not like that at all. The real meaning of traveling is known to those who know its worth, its charms, and its gratification. There is a kind of restlessness that makes travelers travel around to quench themselves. Addiction to traveling urges travelers to come out from their homes, or in a way, I can say from their hectic routine.

Traveling gives you a lot of benefits, which aren’t just timely. These are lifetime gains that make your life worth living.

Let’s try to find out some perks of traveling.

Traveling gives you breaks

As in today’s world, everyone is indulging in certain types of work. Each type of work ultimately binds you in a routine. Your routine gets hectic and hectic if you do that same kind of work daily. Your body as well as your soul needs a change, a change of routine, a change of mood, and a change of surroundings. Traveling to scenic places brings all such changes to you. It gives you breaks for putting everything aside and gives you moments in which you live with yourself.

Traveling widens your vision

When you live in the arms of nature you realize there is a vast inspiring world present around you, which you have unintentionally forgotten. When you travel to hilly areas you feel mountains have a kind of pride and glory in them, your tour to ocean sides make you understand their everlasting serenity and sometimes you realize that this serenity and calmness is a kind of language which is not verbal but can feel able by your mind and soul, your stay in desert while traveling gives you a way to think these harsh and hot blazing deserts must have a lot of hidden stories in it. All such screenplays make you think about nature and its mysteries. Travelling urges you to go to such places again and find your answers. It enables you to see the universe with the eyes of the mind. It widens your vision and you think differently.

Discovering yourself

When you travel and see different places you find yourself, you get to know how your mood and emotions are strongly connected to the cosmos around you. You want to live there, you have so much in your heart to talk about with nature that you hadn’t even realized you have but it opens up on you during traveling.

Traveling helps you to make friends with around

Traveling gives you a lot of opportunities to make new friends. Whenever you travel to new places you interact with people there. New relations develop at each new place. These people then become a permanent part of your life. In this way, traveling helps you to enlarge your friend circle. You find out different ways of living life from these people who weren’t a part of your life before. You learn new things from them.

These friends become the permanent visiting point for you later on.

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Traveling reveals hidden traditions in you

Traveling to new places and making new friends reveal hidden secrets. These secrets are different rites and cultures prevailing at that places. At each place you discover a new world having its own traditions. Your vision about rituals is enhanced. You may introduce these cultures in your community making your way of living innovative. Traveling teaches you a lot of new things. Sometimes you get to know cheerful parables that are too interesting. People living in exclusive ways at distant places make you ponder about the relation of nature with humans. You get sparkling ideas that everything in nature is in exact accordance with human needs and comfort. Humans can modify their livings that correspond with nature.

Traveling finds talent in you

During travel you get adventures. Sailing through oceans knocks at you that you already know this but you didn’t find time to learn about your this talent. While mountaineering you come up with your hidden knack “oh yes I can do it”!. Travelling makes you aware of your capabilities that you don’t know.

Traveling in itself is not just only fun, it gives travelers a lot of knowledge about people and cultures, a lot of experience through adventures, and a lot of excitement.



Medhat Rehman
Express Yourself!

I, a freelance writer 👩‍💻 | a committed reader 📖 | a landing page framer 🕶️| above all a microbiologist 🧫