● Quotes by Famous People: Henry David Thoreau ~ Agree or Disagree

The writings of Henry David Thoreau were required reading during my high school years. I was required to read him. I wasn’t required to agree with him.

Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
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Henry David Thoreau is an American writer. I had to study his writings in high school as part of our American literature class. His life was pretty much uneventful. Born in Massachusetts, attended Harvard College*, lived in a place called Walden’s Pond, wrote a lot of stuff. One significant biofact is that he was “a devoted abolitionist until the end of his life” and stepped up to the plate to defend John Brown, who was still hung for his abolitionist activities despite the objections of those who supported his efforts. He died of a disease and of course, after his death, everybody decided he was a man to be praised. Posthumously, he was paid wonderful compliments such as “an original thinker”.

Source for quotes in the preceding paragraph:



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
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