Reality Check Question: What is Reality?

Perhaps instead of Pontius Pilate asking Jesus ‘What is truth?’, maybe he should have asked ‘What is reality?’

Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!
5 min readJan 28, 2023


There are lots of interesting discussions that take place between people of a particular religious persuasion and those who are either not of that religious persuasion, OR say that they are of that religious persuasion but they also believe other “facts” and “evidence” that indicate that some of what is taught as a “religious doctrine or belief” is … well! … it’s WRONG!

Hence, there is a DIVIDE and whenever there is a division, that usually means a person must choose sides. You know how they say: “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Often the ‘sides’ are called by specific names so that the side, the position, or the stance that they have chosen, can be readily identified. For example, Creationists versus Scientists. Basically, what it all boils down to is the Bible Believers versus Science Believers and which side should be believed as the ones who are TELLING THE TRUTH!

Who should a person believe? Well duh!! Obviously … the ones who can be “proven” to be RIGHT are the ones who should be believed. They can present PROOF that what they are saying is TRUE.

So? Was the earth created in 6 days OR did it takes millions or billions of years? Those who believe it took millions or billions of years say that they can prove it! If they indeed prove this, then the Bible Believers are just blind idiots who willfully, intentionally, and deliberately choose to IGNORE REALITY.

Let me make something perfectly clear before I continue with this article. That way, if the reader already has their mind made up and has chosen a side, once I make this statement, they can decide to ignore the rest of what I have to say.


For some people those two statements could be translated or interpreted as “meaning” that I ignore “reality”, i.e. I ignore provable scientific facts. When I am challenged regarding my belief, rather than analyze, argue, or debate whatever it is that they have to say which can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my belief is uummm …?? … ERRONEOUS … WRONG … PARTIALLY RIGHT but NOT 100% TOTALLY RIGHT … that I avoid responding and I simply IGNORE REALITY.

To me that begs a question.

Reality? Hmmmm … What is REALITY?

If you ask this exact same question to a million different people, I can almost guarantee that you’ll get a million different answers.

This is MY answer to: What is reality?

You can’t find the grave of Moses. The grave of Jesus is empty and nobody knows where the apostles are buried. I can’t prove any of them existed.

If it were not for the Bible story about a man named Abraham, we would not even know his story. His life was not recorded in secular history records. He wasn’t a king or someone important to be remembered by humanity. But God told us his story. There are nations that exist because God promised this one ordinary man that He would make his “seed” innumerable.

Yet I choose to believe these are real people and that the Bible (which I also call “scripture”) is the Word of God.

Not only that … I believe in angels like Gabriel and Michael. I can’t prove they exist ether.

If another person does not believe that Gabriel, Michael. Moses, Jesus, the Apostles, and Abraham are REAL … because the only “REAL proof” of their existence is in the Bible, are they ignoring reality?

I’m not finished answering.

The word “reality” is EXTREMELY BROAD and encompasses quite a bit.

Continuing on with my response …

(The thoughts below can be pondered by anyone. They can be atheists.)

Reality is that there are scientists who say they can prove that it took several billion years for the earth that we now live in today, to come into existence and there is absolutely no way that it was created in just six (6) days.

Reality is that … IF those scientists are smart and intelligent enough to calculate that … they should be able to make better use of their brains?

Examples of “better use”?

  • WHY can’t they use their smarts to STOP a drought, a flood, a hurricane or tornado, an earthquake, or a volcanic eruption? NOT predict these disasters. STOP THEM!!
  • WHY can’t they figure out how to see an airborne virus with the naked eye so that they don’t become aware of the existence of that virus when people start getting sick and dying?
  • The Science Believers have proven that they have the tools and the talents to build bombs and other weapons of mass destruction. WHY NOT use those tools and talents to CREATE ANOTHER PLANET EARTH??!!

Why try to build colonies on Mars or extract water from the moon?

Just create another planet earth … just like this one.

NO! Not like this earth. Make a BETTER PLANET EARTH.

  • One that doesn’t have droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
  • One that doesn’t have deadly viruses that can spread through the AIR THAT EVERYBODY HAS TO BREATHE!
  • A better earth where nobody has to be concerned about disaster, disease, and destruction.

Is it UNREAL to ask scientists to use their awesome brain power to create another planet earth? I mean … they may not know how long it will take them to do that. But they already know it’ll take more than six (6) days.

I could add more to my response to “What is reality?”; but that could go on and on, for days and days. People have their own reality to deal with. I don’t waste any more of their precious time … babbling.

Thanks for reading.

(Free images found on Pixabay.)

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Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

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