Romantic movie gestures that are pretty creep-tastic

Dara Brewton
Express Yourself!
Published in
5 min readOct 21, 2019


Yeah, your fav is probably in here.

source: Pixabay Free-Photos

Do a quick Google search for the most romantic moments in cinema, and you will find a few movies that make the lists over and over again. While some of them are completely cutesy, a few are downright creepy.

Consider the following moments — which are supposed to make viewers’ hearts go all fluttery — that should have the characters running for the door.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo takes it upon himself to start climbing up a trellis to a girl’s bedroom because he wanted to profess his love. Remember this is a girl he just met a few hours ago at a party — a party his friend’s only dragged him to so that he would shut up about some other girl. Not cute.

Love Actually

