Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2020


The one word that can end all wars is LOVE. But it can’t just be a word. It must be an ACT.

LOVE does not require superpowers and you don’t need to be a superhero. LOVE is not supernatural. It’s a natural emotion, I dare say it’s a Divine gift, and we have all been blessed with it. We can use it freely and spread it all around the “our world”.

It’s funny that you used the words “comedic explanation” because I was laughing as I was reading the paragraph just before seeing these two words. When you began your next paragraph, I’m like: “How did he I was laughing?” LOL.

But your use of the other word “superpower”? That’s not a joke.

Why is that people have no problem understanding that a superhero with superpowers is fiction? But they insist on believing that being a superpower is real.

A SUPERPOWER IS NOT REAL! It’s a figment of man’s imagination. Just like superheroes.

Dear Leaders: Look at the facts.

There were and are nations who could and can boast that they have the largest military force IN THE WORLD! But does that stop other countries from looking at them from a distance and thinking: ‘Eh! They must have a weak spot somewhere.’

That’s why when a large military force tries to approach the country with a smaller military force, the country with the smaller force starts strategizing.

That’s why there’s such a thing as a WAR ROOM!! Those military geniuses get together and say “You not even gonna bully US!! How many soldiers we got? How much weaponry? Where are our allies? Etc. Etc. Etc. Justification? It’s not war. It’s self-defense. On the ‘outside’ it just looks like war.”

Don't you see Mr. or Ms. Leader with the Goliath-complex? Trust me on this.

If you really were a real superpower, EVERYBODY WOULD ALREADY KNOW!!

There would be NO WAR because everybody would be too scared to fight YOU!


  • NOTE: Cody Trusler writes excellent articles about history and shows why history matters. I am thankful he submitted this article to Express Yourself!



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

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