Why? — Curiosity

George Li Panayi
Expression against Depression
3 min readAug 22, 2018

Throughout history there is a reoccurring story of humanity cursing itself into suffering and banishes itself out of heaven through an act of curiosity. There is Adam and eve eating the apple in genesis, banishing themselves from Eden. Gods were again cursed into the suffering of humanity by the opening of Pandora’s Box.

What do both of these stories have in common? Curiosity.
Sometime I like to believe that our souls choose to experience whatever they want within the many many dimensions that exist outside of our 3D comprehension. These souls make the collective consciousness that is God meaning that we are all somewhat God itself… Ok, I’ll stop there before we get too Woo Woo.

But I often ask myself, out of all the things to experience, why pick this boring anxiety ridden world where we are all cursed to work to keep going and live through pain, sickness and guilt? To help us grow stronger? For what? We all die anyway and so will everyone we know. So why be here at all? Then it hit me, I am too curious to leave, that is what brought me here and that is what is keeping me here. We are all still God, we live in an unfair world because we chose to live in an unfair world; we were curious to know what it feels like not to know, to know what it feels like to be on the top and the bottom, the oppressors and the oppressed. We opened and continue to open Pandora’s Box because we are curious, but there’s more, pandora’s box also contained hope. This is all just an experience, and an experience we chose so that we could understand our true nature with greater detail and accuracy.

As T.S. Eliot said “Back is the way forward” “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”

“Where we started” is heaven, living as God, but choosing to do so consciously of our own free choice.

Depression is a bit like pandora’s box, weather you consciously or unconsciously opened it, you experienced suffering through an extremely dark way of thinking and being. It hurt you and it’s not fair, but you do not have to continue opening the box. I have previously written about how depression can be used as a tool to push you out of scenario’s, jobs, relationships etc. that are not good for you and can push you to become better. But now you have experienced depression, you have done something about it, and you know you do not want to go back, you do not have to keep eating the apple and opening the box. It is like being burnt by a stove and continuing to touch it. Humans are creatures of habit, but if you know that the depression is no longer serving you and you are no longer learning from it, do not let it tempt you back into its grasp. Make a new habit where you CHOOSE to let go of the temptation to stay in depression. Hope helps us to remember we are Gods and will be connected with God again. Hope allows us to remain equally as curious for the future, and it will eventually lead you back to the garden of enlightenment.

So next time you are in your darkest moments and you want to die and you pray and pray not to wake up tomorrow and go back to being nothing, just try to stay curious, you will die in the end anyway so why bother dying now. Pretend you are already dead and you will take life less seriously. We all have to die a little to know what it is like to live.

