$15 an hour. . .

petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2017

$15 an hour…

trickle-up economics. $15 an hour will pump billions of dollars into the beloved economy. money that will be taxed every which way. money that will circulate far more than where it’s going now — offshore accounts, the stock market, gold.

will some people be laid off? sure. not at the levels shock theorists promulgate. besides, any job that suggests the value of the worker to be seven dollars for sixty minutes of work, should be abolished.

we use the line “but prices will be higher for everybody else.” it is disgusting. what we are saying is… “we don’t want to be like you. we don’t want to struggle. we don’t want to have to make decisions. we want it all. at the cost of you getting nothing.”

yes. prices will rise some. and the poorest folks will have double the pay to afford it.

a basic standard of living for all of mankind should be absorbed by those with the most purchasing power. period.

give the teenage boy working at hot topic $15 an hour and he’s going to spend it right back into the economy, old keynsian.

give the single mom of three $15 an hour and I promise you she’s not going to hoard it in the cayman islands (i.e. her mattress,) thus taking it out of circulation. she’s going to spend it.
she’s not going to have to choose between electric and new shoes for her kid. and she might even be able to quit one job… a job someone else can take.

the problem is the 1% does not want the bottom third to have that sort of purchasing power. ‘discretionary’ spending is dangerous to the plan.

nor do they want the plebian class thinking they are equal, thinking they have value. a working class walking around with their shoulders back and heads up is dangerous to the plan.
and the middle class is keen to deny the wage because they need to feel superior. “um, i’m a nurse. i went to school. i’m worth more. you can’t have more money. you just flip hamburgers. eat ramen noodles, bitch.”

neglecting to mention he’s “just flipping hamburgers” because he got a terrible education, in a rural area, with role models perpetuating his deep beliefs about himself and his place in the world.

recently back from a few months in australia where minimum wage is $17 an hour. you don’t tip. servers make bank. everyone is out. spending. dining. playing. they are relaxed. they are open.

they are keen to pay extra for cocktails. because they’re not cocks.

he makes more than $15 an hour



petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.