on the issues

petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2017

life is exploration. we must be willing to continually edit our perspective. here are some jumping off points for dialogue. together we’ll create our platform.

  1. proportional representation in elected office — more people of color, young people, queer people, muslims, buddhists, & women
  2. government transparency
  3. increased minimum wage — Universal Basic Income
  4. universal healthcare
  5. abolish private prisons
  6. one hour paid leave to vote
  7. overturn sodomy laws in the armed forces
  8. abolish the electoral college
  9. abolish gerrymandering
  10. abolish private healthcare and pharmaceuticals
  11. legalize the cultivation, possession and usage of marijuana
  12. decriminalize drug offenses — rehabilitating, retraining, reentry
  13. debt-free higher education (students take on projects to pay their tuition)
  14. radically revamped education — diverse learning, embracing curious
  15. healthier meals served in schools, hospitals, shelters, and prisons
  16. reign in prescription drug costs to comparable levels of other wealthy nations
  17. build publicly-owned lampshades — pick-your-price community coffeeshops with art, books, performances, resources, events, and opportunity
  18. city-sponsored, donation-based meditation, yoga, fitness, healthy eating, sports and art
  19. rehaul social welfare programming — food stamps, unemployment, vet benefits, homeless benefits, etc. — as safety nets geared towards perpetual empowerment — with goals of facilitating self-efficacy and purpose in the advancement towards self sufficiency
  20. publicly-funded galas and events to celebrate life and educate citizens on topics like how the federal reserve & banking systems operate.
  21. tax those making over $1 million at 40%, no loopholes, no breaks. greater than $10 million at 50%.
  22. build over destroy — reroute a substantial portion of military budget into other programming — utilize DoD employees and facilities; no one loses their jobs; terror decreases; peace becomes a viable option
  23. work with hollywood and the music industry to promotes collective initiatives to curb bullying, teen suicide, and issues facing our youth
  24. major clean energy initiatives — HYUGE reroute of coal workers — no one loses their job and we keep the ozone



petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.