petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2017


day three— reach out, touch faith, or; vague visions of utopia: loving your words enough to write too many, hating them enough to hit delete

potholes and wind gusts and bald dogs

ever the finagler of an inch

a relic dreaming of strawberry fields forever

charisma flora ein kerrytown

vague visions of utopia

blinks of eyes dictate history

living is easy with eyes closed shut

buying bikes and love seats,

looking for someone to play chess

an amalgam of negotiated interactions

is it getting harder to be somebody?

no more quarantine:

it’s time to fly, little bird

a dandy at gandy

we’re all just pacing bodies, aren’t we?

keeping time, finding rhythm

life is flow, ya know

the passageway is profound and profane

walking tightropes to catch those who conjure riches from the dust

sweet-tooth fixes in broad daylight

his beard long and blowing

pedicab calves, strong

a chipper buddha grace

i painted a mouse !

the allness of existence lies beyond the highest art

beyond brahams, beyonce, or barack

a soul’s sunshine reigns eternal


signposts & symbols — a meager reach out

hollowed out holograms of a bursting swirl

language as cheap imitation

a single wave

conveys what a thousand telegrams cannot

oh percy! let us dance with our mututally-agreed-upon fictions

of this space-time


oh, show me one of the senses five !

vast unknown but knowable Suchness.

a universe dripping with that which Is.



dancing to 90s country

a kitchen cooking

first meal post-fast

shaving suns into the head

inspired from running under her

from couples to quark —

entangled particles share a wave


a priori endowment of ESP.

ya think entangled particles separated by a planet could collapse each other’s wave?

what if we emote what we mean ?

words that are over allude to?

…… this pie is childhood …….

whipped dog or angel saint —

the spring of sorrow’s joyous dip —

beast and brute saved by nature’s terrible memory.

a creature of is-ness

poisonous tonic elixing him daily !

an apostle adjacent —

one choice over, a promised land.

is civility a cultivation?

a consciously conjured constitution

is there pride to be had in being well adjusted to a society that is sick?

where’s the unanticipated, unapologetic logic?

radical stuff to jolt the system to wilful reboot

let’s talk of sanctified deitIES of a secular nation.

many, one, we, us — a collective account.

eternity is.

spit out

alert, alert! missing: point of reentry.

dear journal: is this an elsewhere orbit?

uncracked DNA

space-time to crack it

there are codes — secret passageways in broad daylight

subtle tones of thought

dying nuance


feel inside the aim’s of the many.

introducing president purple — the new face of the $13 1/3 dollar bill

not here to speak of race relations

or the state of islam

how to create jobs or

bring world peace

false prophets profiteering shatters the illusion

i am hear to dance with your consciousness

dance with me slow

faster now

— i’ll lead

. . . god, buddha, allah, krishna, mother mushroom, etc. bless america!

— good night.



petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.