
petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

gambling, drugs, mania, depression

play the cards like aces

make the deuce-seven look like pocket kings

poker, my mistress

all drugs wear off

the type of drugs i’m on have a nasty comedown

48-hour poker bingers are my time with god

i’d play poker the rest of life if i could afford it

if the addiction didn’t force me to stay until i eventually lose it all

when did i become so fucking sad?

bounding exuberance — abundance, stuffed fat.

i was a ‘yes’ man

‘devour the world whole’ — my couchsurfing tagline for seven years

but i got full.

frantic pulse, energy that kept on tumbling

but then i got empty.


life is chasing highs

and nothing else

falling apart and holding on

fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck

why not grandiose?

why be afraid of the mania in an expanded chest?

a gorgeous flesh living the extremes — run for president or buy a molester van & gypsy cruise

rule the world or sell shitty paintings and clank poetry on dry old ribbon

stare back until they cry — stare them down

i ain’t doing nothing for twenty years, never ever ain’t gonna

no job, no man, no city landscape

there’s too much to eat

too much of me to go round


sleepwalkers living between yesterday and tomorrow

the loneliness of ‘I’

aimless drifters aimless drift


dance with depression

twirl her round the floor

seduce the crowd with your cosmic sadness

awake resonant soul

my youth is yours

swaddled bosom, thrown to wolves — chuck a fuck

hallucinatory love

the mountain opens herself

a man and a light explode themselves

forty-two waterfalls — dense, dense, fog.


nature green — hundred foot celery

brocolli, wilted yellow cauliflower towards the heavens

greenbeans standing on end

god’s salad bowl

i’m on direct dial with god — boddhisatva on the line, please hold

a frontline troubadour

gone out without flashlight

you intercept dispatch

existentially restless

can the human mind survive death?

maybe some cataclysms shatter everything — resetting fundamental law

always packing up, moving on

life’s a series of departure points — a game of keeping alive

can’t give up the ghosts — i choose

life is meaningless so i go for walks

the indifference of the universe — her brute blind force

i want to be wholly contemplated

isolated ego, think through this

always searching, proving



petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.