destiny: initial conditions don’t matter

express your yes
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2017

you probably understand destiny in terms of linear time and its reliance on initial conditions. allow yourself to think outside of time—the dimension that binds you, the dimension in which you can exert no control—and you might choose to view fate, destiny, helplessness differently.

you may say that destiny is unavoidable because the universe was set in motion at a specific moment in time, with precise conditions that define all the actions and reactions that are taking place now and that will take place into the infinite future.

but what if your consciousness can exist outside of the confines of time and can manipulate the initial conditions like we manipulate sandcastles?

before you say “phooey!”: i ask you to allow for the possibility that your brain and the universe operate (and maybe interoperate) in ways that you don’t yet understand. it is plausible that there are missing pieces of information that, were they presented to you now, would easily allow you to comprehend the existence of consciousness outside of time.

let’s imagine that you could manipulate time like you can manipulate 3d space. let’s say that a part of who you are exists in the 5th dimension. why? because you can really only conceptualize and understand things for which you can observe the result of your own direct manipulation. you’re bound by the 4th dimension, time. you can manipulate the 3rd dimension, but not the 4th.

this next extrapolation may be naive, but let’s explore it anyway. to manipulate time, a part of you must exist in a dimension above time, just as we exist in time but can only manipulate the dimension below it. if part of your consciousness exists in the 5th dimension then that part may be able to manipulate time. in that case, initial conditions don’t matter. you can “go back” in time and choose different initial conditions at each moment to pick the outcome you want for this exact moment. i don’t mean “go back” literally, i mean that your mind has access to the infinite space of possible universes at every moment, each with different initial conditions. your mind can choose to jump and exist in any one of them at any time based on its will.

your mind can influence your destiny.

