drag queen in the white house

petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
6 min readMar 8, 2020

i’m 35 today, i think i’ll run for president.

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evolution cannot be stopped

long-shot drag queen runs for president

& congress turns purple

it’s time for over-the-top realness to shock the conscience of our nation. provocative, polished ideas offered as immediate, necessary seduction. an opulent deliverance, darling. you’ll never be prom queen, so what? let’s change the world, bish.

strain the anger from your story. drain the disappointment. make the Outcast in Mourning bits your art. leave the superior qualities self-pardoned to intoxicate a room.

you are a delightful stimulant;

best deployed as stirring propaganda that never loses sight of the sun. they will swim in their tears for your heroic delight, your gay self-possession,

your queer zest & sparkling velocity will propel you.

write what scares you.

ok. im 35 today, i think i’ll run for president.

skitzy sandcastle 2020


yes, bish. it’s our time.

election night, tuesday november 2nd, 2020

a purple wave has washed over America.

the people have spoken:

democracy is a red & blue thing.

from the angry fists of hate to the open palms of love — tonight America Says Yes.

washington will never be the same. earth is shook for good. this is the congressional fresh start none of us thought we’d get in this lifetime. a president few could have seen coming. from living in a truck to the white house in nine months? there’s just no narrative written for this —

tonight the people have peacefully wiped the slate. —

opted for an honest recasting. after tonight, we’re all cast lead.

we’re witnessing a new era of superheroes.

ladies and gentleman, we’ve wrought our black swan.

after tonight every American is iconic.

you’re cordially invited to the most fabulous inaugural gala earth has ever seen — save the date: January 20, 2021.

stick around for a sleepover at 1600 Pennsylvania.

each moment we can set it down. unzip our spine and step out. start again. recast the movie. edit the script. with less impotent raging.

our planet was saved and damned from the start.

whatever it was, happened. and is now over.

leave all of it behind. you have no history. nothing was before this moment. this is the beginning of the rest.

whatever is needed now will reveal itself as necessary.

enough being bewitched by remember when. nostalgia takes up all the oxygen. ditch was; what are you now? be that, shiny as you can.

self-inflict memory loss so the present moment has a shot to be enough —

so we’re all iconic superheroes, now what?

bucketloads of peacefully acting up.

endless micro dispersions of wild yes to disband the no of status quo. guerilla theatre. rebellious art that invades all the space. the schools and churches and produce aisles at your local grocer.

hollywood heads to the heartland. all of it.

this is a call to unify the tribes.

love is the uniform of our revolution.

we’re all wilting petals itching to unravel on this mummified hibernation-of-a-planet — it’s time we run. with the ideas in our head.

grassroots like you never saw it. a radically inconvenient soft power.

we beat donald trump with a takeover of public space by ecstatic yes.

nonviolent political theatre so pure it’s gonna seduce the panties right off the rust belt. movement fueled by ripe ideas & ground-breaking creation. fresh, young, newfangled.

unzip what’s been sewn up.

we are self-charged appendages of the universe.

let’s amplify mouths muzzled by the system.

let’s tally our aches and twine them into a single bouquet.

shingling one roof over our overlapping persecution is the only shot we got against a system that will never willingly surrender its exemptions and entitlement.

The Modern Machine has one function: churn humans out like window wipers in an assembly plant.

& That Machine is never willingly grinding itself to a halt. that’s our job.

no more blaming the bigots or begging the 1%.

the end of the world will be blameless.

billions are sleeping in a waking coma, waiting for permission to begin. one day the lights flicker and you come to, scratching and curious — how long have i been out for?

decades, darling. decades of deep sleep.

beginning as a child in the womb.

we are not born to get through.

working to keep alive is a basic tenant of american life

and it’s tremendously bad medicine —

there’s nothing more important in this life than your freedom.

the type of freedom that lets you become a coatrack just to try it out.

conscious — mindful — aware — woke — disillusioned dropout — tuned in, turned on — schizophrenic — redeemed artist — mad scientist — ascetic buddha — sugar lips mc-gill-i-cuh-tee —

whatever you call it: get dislodged from the system.

waking to YES, me, i am — outside the system’s no you, only us, we are, bow, behave — will kill you.

& then you will be reborn.

freedom cost me everything which turns out to be nothing at all

i would get rid of everything

and begin again —

it’s 2008 — the year everything stops. the year i die.

have you ever resigned from a life that stopped making sense?

rumblings of civil war are brewing. we’re on the cusp of civilization’s next black swan. we can learn to duck and cover or congregate our love brigade by the light of day and be the rippling wave ourselves.

a diplomatic frontline of women, queers, and people of color will Signally Shift the global narrative towards exploring the fringe. raised voices are the speakers that bring the margins power.

we parlay each other’s momentum.

we’ve got time to seduce this nation into consciousness.

love eats hate like fresh heads of celery.

we can domesticate the dark — temper the atrocities by compulsively stuffing them with color. outstretched palms reaching across the universe.

the strangeness of the persecuted being collectively kind will stir authority’s healing. influence the development.

can we show grace to what hasn’t learned it yet?

cling to your whimsy.

grief into gasoline.

realists dancing in the clouds —

mind or be.

do what you’re told or opt out.

sodomy is illegal (that’s butt sex),

article 125 equates it with bestiality.

lynching is not (that’s hanging someone in a tree).

that’s our america.

but facts won’t work. facts matter less than the show.

laugh and cry and howl and get it all out. then we dance.

let’s go all-in on something in this life.

victims of the system —

we can unmute ourselves.

a united revolution —

with no direction to point the bullets.

why let others suffer if we don’t have to?

fabulous opportunity is not a welfare handout.

access to the means of production is an irreplaceable birthright.

america — we’d like to go into business with you; we can masterfully eat the 1%. this book lays bare a plan to peacefully write ourselves into a better story. birthright2.0 with or without the help of the uber rich and wayward powers of D.C.

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petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.