purple people speak — & we listen. here you’ll find our favorite submissions. post on any of our social media (or email us) and you might just get published !

petals sandcastle
express your yes
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2017
  • “i don’t know what i walked into but i’m curious to find out. the world needs the purple party.”
  • “I’m a member of the Green Party. Well, actually I am a registered Democrat but usually vote Green except when I voted for Joan Jett Blakk of the Let’s Party Party! She was a write-in candidate.”
  • “Ah! I had been thinking it was a party like…. an event! But a political party — that’s even better! PURPLE PEOPLE UNITE!”
  • “The world needs a positive change. We need to really think about what will end war and poverty and the haves and have nots. There are answers out there and in us. It starts with how we treat everyone we meet and how we support them no matter who they are or how much money they have. We must start to love unconditionally, love everyone and want the best for them and not hide behind our closed doors — reach out and help even if it feels uncomfortable at first. It will get easier and easier the more you do it!”
  • ‘EXPRESS OVER SURVIVE’ … i like that ! let us decategorize, then. (only, is that really a word?) let’s agree that it’s always everything. let’s tweak our fundamental reason for creating society from, as you say, “survival” to “expression”. sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
  • Red bled into yellow, and made us blue. Purple clouds. Ground covered in glass, shattered. Crystal flowers, gold soil.
  • Our own single ideas are one demensional, we must callaborate.
  • Be the spark of change and creativity.
  • Bring life, love, and compassion into existence through your breath. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
  • im a painter who breaks things. come here lover boy. give me a kiss. darling, let’s just have one swig of this, i don’t want to drink.



petals sandcastle
express your yes

queer painter_poet flappy bird for the love revolution. art. ideas. flow. filosof.e lit'ru.cha.